Year 4•1

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Dear Mr. and Mrs.Avaline,

My name is Molly Weasley, And previously my husband, got tickets to see the quidditch World Cup. (Wizard sport) and we wanted to invite Y•N if possible to come with us, We also invited Ms.Granger and Mr.Potter. Please write back so we can pick Y•N up soon as the game is tomorrow, Thank you!

Much love Molly Weasley.

Y•N stood still as she played with her fingers, waiting for an answer from her parents.

"Of course, Sweetheart." Her dad responded.

"Thank you father!" Y•N responded hugging her dad, then hugging her mom.

"Just be careful, please." Her mom muttered as she laid her neck on Y•N's shoulder.

Y•N nodded.

She went upstairs and packed everything.

The Wesley's had agreed to take her on to Hogwarts as well. She felt embarrassed on how it was the second time, they said it was no problem, but a part of her felt she was in debt.

Y•N grabbed a piece of parchment from her desk, grabbing a black pen as well. She had been used to using quills at hogwarts, that she forgot a pen was already filled with ink.

Hi Mrs.Weasley, This is Y•N, my parents said yes, and you guys can pick me up, whatever time today as I'll be home all day! Thank you!

Love y•n.

She folded it, looking at the new owl her family had agreed to bought. We had agreed to name her Tessa, a name from our family's origins.

"As soon as possible?" I asked Tessa, holding onto the letter.

She nodded biting on the letter, as she flew out the window.
Y•N gave a cup of tea to her father, as he was clicking on TV buttons.

"The wire isn't." Her dad muttered, unable to turn it on.

Pieces of a broken window from the house flew in, as well as smoke gas from a vehicle.

Inaudible conversations started as Y•N's father helped his daughter get up.

"are we in the right house father?" She heard a voice.
Y•N felt a flashlight shine on her face as she recognized Mr.Weasley.

"Found her, hello Y•N." Mr.Weasley said yelling out as Ron came up to Y•N.

"Hello Y•N!" Ron greeted her as Y•N smiled.

"Ron!" Y•N shouted hugging her friend.

Her parents greeted the Weasley'a trading questions, and agreements.

Y•N grabbed her bags before hugging  her parents.

"See you in Christmas break!" Y•N smiled.

"See you to sweetheart." Her mom told her as she hugged both of her parents.

"Oh by the way, do you folks have a fireplace?" Arthur asked.

"Yes right there." Mr.Avaline said as he pointed to a fireplace. "Great Ron do you have the powder?" Arthur asked Ron. Ron handed him a Bag of a black powder.

"Great, Harry wanna go first so Y•N could see what to do?" Arthur asked. Harry grabbed the powder and place himself in the fireplace.

"Remember say Weasley burrow." Arthur told him.

"Weasley Burrow!" Harry screamed and threw the powder to the floor, a green flame came up and Harry was gone. "Ok Y•N ready?" He asked. Y•N smiled to him then at her parents who were looking at her. She grabbed some powder from the bag and placed herself into the fireplace. "Weasley Burrow!" Y•N screamed before, everything went green and she landed.

"Hi Y•N dear, Harry's in the kitchen." She was greated By Mrs.Weasley who hugged her. "Thank you." Y•N said and smiled.

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