Year 2•6

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"Wake up!" Y/N heard a familiar male voice as she started to wake from her bed. "Marcus your not allowed to be here." Y/N sighed pulling her sheets over her face.  "Well I have permission, and we're doing an early practice since we need it." He spoke as he pulled the blanket off Y/N.

"Ugh fine." Y/N muttered, quietly trying not to wake Pansy and Daphne who were still asleep. Y/N got her quidditch sweater and pants as well as her new Nimbus 2001 Broom.
In her way she saw Draco coming out of his dormitory as well.

"Nice broom." Draco told her. "Oh shut up." Y/N responded causing him to laugh. No one in the school was awake but the Slytherin team, Marcus had woken them up at 6am just for an early practice."Now laps around the pitch, Chasers If you push someone off the broom and if I see anyone crying or hurt your kicked." Marcus instructed. Y/N got on her broom and went up, she managed to push another chaser of their broom, as well as finished her laps.

After 2 hours of practicing they were ready for the game. "Go eat, I don't want to se anyone throw up." Y/N got her broom and went to the great hall where she saw Pansy.
"Where were you!?" Pansy asked. "Sorry, Flint woke us up early for practice." Y/N answered as she got a bowl and ate cereal.

"Well eat! Slytherin has to win tonight." Pansy told her. Great someone else who wants the team to win.
"It's the first game, I can't assure anything but I will try!" Y/N spoke as she finished her cereal faster then usual.

"I have to go say good luck, see you Pansy!" Y/N waved goodbye and walked to the Gryffindor table. "Good luck Harry, and Gryffindor overall." Y/N wished as she smiled.
"You too Y/N." Harry responded and hugged her. "Well I have to go before Marcus wants to stop the game, Good luck again!" She exclaimed and waved.

She put on her quidditch uniform and put her hair in a back low ponytail with a green ribbon.

"Ok Slytherin gather around, remember we need this win. Draco get that snitch as soon as possible and Y/N Don't be scared to Push people of their bottoms." Y/N and Draco both nodded. "Just both of you don't fall of your broom." He said before putting his hand in. Everyone put their hand in ready for the game. "1..2..3 Slytherin!" The whole team screamed and lined up to be announced.

At the second they were announced the Slytherins raced forward and circled around the pitch, Getting ready for the game to start. The whistle blew and everyone released. Y/N was the first one to grab the quaffle and made her way to the Gryffindor rings, she scored and gave Slytherin their first points.

She spotted Draco and Harry not knowing what to do. She rolled her eyes I know that seeking is hard, but maybe don't wait for the snitch to come find you. She thought to herself.
Y/N chased after Angelina for the quaffle. Y/N was able to get the quaffle and scored another round of points.

In the corner of her eye she saw A bludger chasing Harry.
"Am I seeing right?" She told herself, rubbing her eyes.
"FOCUS!" Marcus screamed at Y/N. She looked at who got the quaffle and got more points for Slytherin.

She heard the whistle blow the second she was gonna score more points. She looked in the ground to see what was happening. She spotted both Harry and Draco on the floor. She ran towards Draco.

"Draco are you okay?" Y/N asked as she put her broom to the side.

"Yes I am, but my father won't." He said as he looked at the stands. She saw a man with the same color hair as Draco but a furious look in her face. She ran towards Harry, as everyone was already around him. "Harry are you okay?" Y/N asked Harry as she put her hand on his face."Not really." Harry responded, he looked like his arm had been broken. At the second Professor Lockhart came and took out his wand.

"I can fix It!" Professor Lockhart exclaimed. Everyone shook their heads including Y/N. He didn't listen as he casted a spell on his arm.

His arm looked like everything inside was removed. "Well at least you won't feel the pain." Professor Lockhart whimpered. "Pain? He has no bones!" Hagrid yelled, furious at Professor Lockhart.

Y/N rolled her eyes and told Ron to get Harry on his shoulders, both of them walked to the Hospital wing. "Broken bones are okay, but remaking bones is harder and painful." Madame Pomfrey said. "Will he be ok?" Y/N asked as she crossed her arms.

"Yes he will, he just has to stay overnight." Madame pomfrey continued. Y/N nodded as she waved Harry goodbye outside.

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