Year 4•10

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A month had passed and today was the last task, Y/N was stressing about it the whole day. What had her grandfather seen. She decided to put on a lace top layered with a dark burgundy sweater. For bottom, she wore flared jeans with pockets which would help her hide the cookie. She took a second to look at the torch hanging in the Slytherin common room. She lifted her hands and attempted to use her so called powers.  Her strategy was to close her eyes and imagine the fire turning on, and then open her eyes to see if it had worked. She did the process as she smiled. "Bye Flora." She spoke to her cat who simply stared at her.

She had made sure that no one was in the common room, no one could know about her powers other than Dumbledore, professor McGonogall and Professor Snape. She somewhat trusted them. She processed her fathers words again. Today was a life threatening event. She was confused by this, she wasn't a champion. If anything, her going into the task proposes a bigger danger.

As her father said today was a life threatening event, which confused her she wasn't a champion how could it be danger to her.

"Y•N there you are!" Cedric said as he gave her a hug. "Hello Cedric!" Y•N smiled and hugged him.

"Are you ready?" She asked.

"Of course, I feel very confident about tonight not sure why." He said as he grabbed her hand.

She followed him to the champions room where she saw Harry,Fleur,Gabrielle headmistress of beauxbatons, Viktor Krum and the head master of Dumstrang.

"Y•N right, Cedric has told me all about you!" She heard a voice and turned to see Cedrics dad Amos Diggory.

"Blimey, it's the Y•N from the quidditch cup nice to see you again!" He shook her hand as he patted Cedrics shoulder.

Y•N smiled. "Nice to see to see you to Mr.Diggory!" Y•N responded and shook his hand.

"Okay let's go!" Amos said.

Cedric shrugged and follows her father. They walked to where the audience was.
She waved to Hermione and Ron who spotted her and instantly waved. The other champions followed back as they took a spot in front of a maze.

"Professor Moody placed the triwizard cup in an unknown position in the maze, only he knows the exact position. Now as Mr.Diggory-" Professor Dumbledore said but was cut of by cheers.

"And Mr.Potter will be first to enter the maze. Followed by Mr.Krum and Ms.Delacour. First to reach the cup will be the winner,if any competitor wishes to retire from the task, they will shoot up red sparks with their wand. Contestants gather around." 

Professor Dumbledore said as Fleur,Cedric,Harry, and Viktor huddled around.

He told them something that Y•N wasn't able to hear.

After a few seconds Harry and Cedric took their placed in the maze ready to go. "On the count of three, one-" Professor Dumbledore said but was cut of by Professor filch who flew the cannon early.

Y•N waved good luck to Cedric before turning to Harry.

She watched as Professor Moody pointed to a direction which Y•N immediately found suspicious.

"Go time." Y•N told herself. She walked behind the bleachers to make sure no one noticed her.

"Where are you going Avaline?" Draco asked as he followed her.

"Non of your business Malfoy." Y•N said as she grabbed the cookie from her pocket.

"Hey is that a shrinking cookie!?" Draco asked as he pointed to the cookie and snatched it from her hand.

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