Year 4•6

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Today was the first triwizard challenge, Y•N was excited, she looked at the once quidditch arena turned to a full arena with seats all around.

"I have to see them." Y•N said and grabbed Hermiones hand.

Both girls weren't allowed to see the champions, but Y•N suggested they find a loop hole.

"Here." Y•N said she walked towards the back of the tent. "Shh." She told Hermione.

"Someone's coming." Hermione said. Both girls heard footsteps coming near them. "PST!" Y•N whispered hoping whoever was there was Harry or Cedric.

"PST!" Y•N whispered again. She felt a body against her, and looked at Hermione. "Harry, is that you?" Y•N asked quietly.

"Yeah." She heard Harry respond.

"How are you feeling?" Hermione asked

"They key is to concentrate, After that you just have to-" Hermione said but was cut off. "Battle a dragon." Harry said.

Hermione shaked before moving the cover and hugging Harry forcing her to reveal herself.

Y•N heard a snapshot and turned.
"Young Love, How..Disturbing." A woman with blond hair walked in with a quill that was writing everything she said in parchment.

Hermione rolled her eyes. "If nothing goes unfortunate, you two might make the front page." The woman said and gave a small smile.

"You have no business here, this tent is for champions and friends." Viktor Krum said coming out from his part of the tent.

The woman shrugged and moved to the side.

"Good luck Harry." Y•N said and gave a hug. She waved to him as she walked towards Cedric.

"Good luck Cedric." Y•N said and smiled. "Thank you Y•N that means a lot." He said and gave a smile back.

"By the way, can I talk to you after the tournament?" He asked. "Of course." Y•N said and smiled.

"Good day champions,gather around please." Professor Dumbledore said as he walked in with the headmistress of beauxbatons and headmaster of Dumstrang.

"Now you have wondered when the moment would come, when the four of you only appreciate it." Dumbledore turned to anyone before turning to Y•N and Hermione. "What are you doing Here Ms.Avaline and Ms.Granger." Professor Dumbledore asked.

"Sorry Professor, we were leaving." Y•N said and grabbed Hermiones arm.

They took a seat next to Ron and Seamus who were ready to see.

She watched as the first cannon was blown. Y•N looked at Cedric who walked out with his wand. "Wooo!" Y•N shouted and smiled.

Fleur,Cedric and Viktor battled the Dragon flawlessly. "I'm worried for Harry." Hermione said. "Me too." Y•N agreed.

The cannon blew as Harry slowly walked out.

The dragon he was fighting was huge and had large spikes on its body.

"I can't watch this." Y•N said and covered her eyes. Harry was getting whipped and barley missed the dragons fire.

"Y•N look!" Hermione said. Y•N took of her hands from her eyes to see Harry with his broom.

"Wooo!" Y•N and Hermione cheered. The dragon suddenly started to get lose and chased Harry out of the arena. "Is that supposed to Happen Hermione." Y•N said and looked. Hermione shaked her head and turned around. "Can someone do something about this!?" Y•N shouted.

Everyone looked around as Harry hadn't been back at the arena.

She watched Harry fly back with no dragon behind him. "WOOO Harry!" Y•N screamed and clapped her hands.

Everyone had survived which relieved Y•N a lot. "Well tell Harry congrats, I have to meet Cedric see you Hermione." Y•N said and hugged Hermione she walked to the tent and saw Cedric standing there alone.

"Hello Y•N." Cedric said and patted the seat next to him on the chair.

"Hello Cedric." Y•N smiled and sat next to him.

"So I don't think you know of this yet, but Professor McGonogall told us that in December there will be a Yule ball. Cedric said.

"And the champions and everyone who goes needs a date." He continued.

"Y•N Avaline can you come to the ball with me?" Cedric asked and smiled and bowed and let out his hand.

"Of course!" Y•N said and took his hand.

He lifted her up and smiled.

"Great see you Y•N." Cedric said and waved to her as he left the tent.

Y•N was blushing harshly, She was so excited.

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