Year 5•2

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Today was their first Defense against the darks arts class with the new Professor. Y/N was seated next to Daphne. She took a second to look at Draco and Pansy in the corner of the classroom talking and laughing like always. It annoyed her for no reason, not because of jealousy but of how pansy also stole her friends, even those she wasn't a fan of.

A paper bird passed around the class till it was burned. Everyone turned to see the new Professor in the back of the class.

"Ordinary, Wizarding, levels examinations, O-W-L or commonly known as OWL's." The woman spoke as she wrote it on the board with her wand. "Pass and you will be rewarded, fail to do so the consequences will be Sevier."  The woman continued. She turned to face the students. She was wearing pink,

She passed books with her wand around the class, she explained about the book as it was passed around.

She flipped through pages looking at paragraphs after another.. "This is rubbish." Hermione whispered. She raised her hand for Umbridges attention. "Yes?" She asked. "There's nothing on here of defensive spells." Hermione questioned. "Using spells? I can't imagine why you would need to use spells in my classroom." Umbridge responded.

"We're not gonna use magic?" Ron asked. "You'll be learning about defensive spells in a secure risk-free way." Umbridge replied, almost offended by the question.

"What use is that if where gonna be attacked, how could that be risk free?" Harry asked. "Students will raise their hands when they speak in my class,  it is the view of the ministry, that thermatricalm knowledge-" Y/N rolled her eyes as she continued. "I wanna get out of here." Y/N whispered to Hermione who nodded.

"And how is theory supposed to prepare us for what's out there?" Harry asked.  "There nothing out there dear, what would you expect to hurt children like you?" Umbridge asked.

"Maybe lord Voldemort Professor." Y/N answered.  Everyone turned to stare at her, including the teacher who gave her the most blank stare. Everyone started to whisper, Hermione had told her many students didn't believe he was back.

"Now let me make this quite plain, you have been told that a certain  dark wizard is In large once again, this is a lie.." Umbridge said as she slowly approached Y/N.

"It's not a lie we saw him, we fought him!" Harry shouted. "Detention Mr.Potter." Umbridge said as she walked back to her desk. "So to you Cedric Diggory dropped dead to his own accord, he just died in front of us?" Y/N shouted as she stood up.

"Cedric Diggory's death was a tragic accident." Umbridge replied. "It was murder! I saw him die in front of my eye! Voldemort killed him!" Y/N shouted back, nothing angered her more someone denying her the truth.

"Enough!" Umbridge shouted. She smiled before grabbing her wand. "Ms. Avaline detention with Mr.Potter." She assigned as she gave a laugh. She could tell umbridge  was gonna be a problem this year, but she wondered how to stop it.


"I can't believe she's making us come to detention for telling the truth." Y/N complained. "Right." Harry agreed.

They were walking to detention for Umbridge, all Y/N hoped was to get out of their as soon as possible.

Harry knocked on the door as he looked at Y/N. She gave a weak smiled as he smiled. "Come in." She heard Umbridges voice. Harry looked at Y/N before opening the door as they both walked in. "Mr.Potter, Ms. Avaline sit." She told them.

Y/N looked at Harry who was giving her a suspicious look. "You both are gonna be doing some lines for me." She told them.

Harry passed Y/N a quill before getting cut of. "No not with your quill ,your gonna be using a rather special of mine." Y/N stared at Harry who was staring at her looking worried.
She passed them both a quill, it was brown.

"Now i need you to write I must not tell lies." Y/N rolled her eyes. "How many times?" Harry asked. "Let's say how long it takes to sink in." Umbridge replied.

"You haven't gave us ink Professor." Y/N spoke, wanting to start already so she could leave. "No you won't need any." Umbridge replied. Y/N looked at Harry who was staring at her before looking back at the parchment.

She started to write on the parchment, everything went well till her fourth line. "Ow." Y/N whispered. She started to feel a scratch, almost a burn on her other wrist.

She watched as when she wrote her fourth line the words "I must not tell lies." Scared on her wrist. If only her dad knew.

Unbridge walked to them. "Yes?" She asked. "Nothing." Y/N replied."because you know deep down, you deserve to be punished." Umbridge told them both. "Don't you?" She asked.

"Sure." Y/N replied. "Go on." She instructed. Y/N looked at the scar on her hand. After a few minutes they were dismissed. "Are you alright?" Harry asked her. "Yeah it's a scratch I'm not gonna cry about it like Draco in our third year."  Y/N said then laughed. It was fun to think about funny memories like that.

"You?" She asked. "Brilliant." He replied.
Y/N laughed as she walked to her common room.

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