Year 7•1

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"You have Been invited to...."

Fleur De'Lacour and Bill Weasleys wedding!

This Saturday, formal wear!


Y.N closed the invitation putting it in the envelope. "I say you should go hunny." Her father said eating the salmon that Y/N had cooked for her parents.
"It's a wedding dear, you have to go!" Her mom smiled. "I'm not sure, it's not like Daphne or Astoria will be there." Y/N said suggesting her closest friends, also her only friends unfortunately.

"Well honey, Mrs.Weasley suggested that you should come early, to help them decorate. I'm sure Ginny would love if you went." Her father spoke. "I might, but I'll come home early." Y/N responded biting the salmon.  "I'm so glad about that dear, I'll pack your stuff." Her mother smiled as she left the kitchen to head towards Y/N's room to start packing

"A wedding during this time?" Y/N asked giving a fake laugh, standing up to put her dish away. "Maybe it's better to have it right now." Her father said passing her the salt. It made sense, might as well be happy before war.
"I still can't believe that you keep up with the Wizarding News.." Y/N gave a weak smile  turning on the sink. "I need to know what's happening in my daughters world." Her father laughed, kissing her head.

She nodded, putting the dish in the washer. Time passed before it was time to head to the Weasleys house. She had gone a day early, just to help out.

"Thank you mother and father." Y/N said kissing both of their cheeks.  "Have fun sweetheart." Her father said as he waved. She waved back before opening the door and walking out.

She walked to her yard so no one can see her apparate. "Weasleys household here i come." Y/N told herself before she apparated into air and falling in the ground. "Ow." She groaned getting up.

She looked at the weasleys house, it looked quiet meaning it was lonelier. She knocked on the door as she looked around. "Y/N, I'm so happy you came early!" Mrs.Weasley said smiling, hugging Y/N who was at the door. "Thank you Mrs.Weasley, I'm happy you all invited me." Y/N replied as she entered the house.

"Oh dear, no problem! The order is bringing Harry from his house right now." Mrs.Weasley said folding a blanket. Y/N nodded as she looked around. "Where do you want me to put my luggage?" Y/N said pointing to her backpack. "Oh sweetheart, you can put it in the guest room upstairs." Mrs.Weasley said smiling. She nodded as she walked upstairs, to find the guest room.

She looked at the room it looked cramped but homey, it had a small bed a night stand and a light. She placed her luggage next to her bed and sat on the bed.

Y/N watched through her window to see some people arrive. "Y/N!" She heard a voice and turned to see Ginny, "Ginny!" Y/N said hugging Ginny. "I'm so happy your here early, so you can help me and mother decorate!" Ginny smiled.

"I am to." Y/N replied putting her hair to the side. "Let's go see who arrived!" Ginny said grabbing Y/N's arm. They ran outside To see Harry and Hagrid who had arrived. She gave a fake smile to Harry who was staring at her.

She watched as another person apparated in the side. "To the house now!" Lupin shouted having George on his shoulder. Harry ran to both of them as they ran inside the house. She walked inside and sat next to George who's ear had been cut of.

"You alright George?" Y•N asked rubbing his head.

"Not really Y/N, is Fred here yet?" George asked trying to keep his eyes opened. "I'll go check." Y/N respomded walking out of the house.She watched as Kingsley and Hermione arrived. Lupin ran outside and pointed his wand to Kingsley as he pointed it as well.

"Last words, Dumbledore spoke to the pair of us." Kingsley asked. "Harry is the best hope we can, trust him." Lupin said as they both lowered their wands. "What gave you away?" Kingsley asked Harry. "Hedwig, she was trying to protect me." Harry replied looking worried.

Y•N looked as Fleur and Bill Apparated in with a thestral followed by Nymphadora and Ron.

Hermione hesitated to run to Ron, before she slammed against his arms. They finally happened. Y/N thought to herself seeing them together. She watched as Fred and Mr.Weasley apparated, patting each other on the shoulder as Fred looked up.

"Where's George?" Fred asked walking slowly.

"Go inside." Y/N replied looking at her hands.

She walked inside to see Mrs.Weasley comforting George as Fred ran to him. "How you feeling Georgey?" Fred asked kneeling down.

"Saint like." George replied.

"Come again?" Fred asked not knowing what he meant.

"Saint like, I'm holey, I'm holey Fred Get it?" George said giving a laugh and pointing at his ear.

"The whole world wide related humor, and you go by I'm holy. That's pathetic." Fred said smiling at him. "I'm still better looking then you." George smiled causing both of them to laugh.

"Mad-eyes dead." Bill said walking forward. Y/N looked at the floor, the first death of this year, she knew there was more to come just didn't know who.

She walked upstairs to the guest room, she changed into her sleeping wear and looked outside.

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