Year 3•4

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"Shut up Avaline."

"Wake up Pansy!" Y•N moved Pansy. Y•N had woken up earlier then usual she was ready for her first day of a new year.

Pansy groaned as she stood up. Y•N was already dressed wearing her White shirt, her silver and green tie with her sweater.

"Why did you wake me up so early!" Pansy cried. "Because it's a new year meaning new us!" Y•N said cheerfully.

"You sound like Hermione." Pansy said as she grabbed her uniform.

"That's funny." Y•N giggled and waited  for Pansy to get ready.

Y•N grabbed her schedule and started to read through it. "Great we have Care of Magical creatures first!" Y•N said as she handed Pansy her schedule.

"Ugh." Pansy said. Both girls walked out of their common room and headed to Breakfast.

Almost everyone was asleep a few people were awake including Cho Chang, And Luna Lovegood.

Both girls sat down. "So what are you going to eat?" Y•N asked Pansy. "A banana." She said and grabbed a banana from the food basket. "You?" She asked.

"Well i got a blueberry muffin,a Organic yogurt with granola." Y•N responded and grinned.

Pansy rolled her eyes, as the girls ate their breakfast. During the time many people woke up, as well as Draco who only ate an apple.

"Okay let's go!" Y•N said and grabbed her book bag.

She headed all the way to Hagrid's Hut, where he was already waiting for them.

"Hello everyone, I have a treat for you. All today follow me!" Hagrid told everyone as he walked towards a part of the forest.

"Open your books to page 49." Hagrid instructed everyone.

"Exactly how do we do that?" Draco asked. "Stroke the Spine." Y•N told Draco. Y•N looked at Neville who looked like he was getting attacked by the book.

"I think they're funny." Y•N heard Hermione say as she placed her book in a boulder.

"Oh yeah, terribly funny really witty, god had this place become a dump. Wait till my father hears Dumbledore has this giant teaching classes." Draco said Before laughing.

"Shut up Malfoy." Harry said as he moved up. This couldn't go well Y•N told herself.

"Ooooo." Draco and his friends made a noise.
Draco passed his book bag to Crabbe before walking forward.

He looked at Harry before looking up. "Dementor,Dementor!"  Draco lied. Everyone looked to where Draco pointed thinking there was an actual Dementor.

Crabbe,Goyle,Blaise, Draco and Pansy put Their hoods up and moved their fingers.

"You guys are pathetic." Y•N said as she moved towards Neville.

Hermione  rolled her eyes before moving Harry back.

"Neville your suppose to stroke it." Y•N told him and giggled, he looked like he had a cat and ripped his cloths to shreds.

Hagrid cleared his voice trying to get everyone's attention.

Hagrid raised his hand as everyone looked at the giant bird who came walking towards Hagrid. "Say hello to Buckbeak!" Hagrid said as he threw a dead squirrel to him.

"Hagrid what exactly is that?" Ron asked.

"That Ron is a hippogriff. First thing you want to know about hippogriffs, is that they're very proud creatures, very easily offended you do not want to insult a hippogriff, or it might just be the last thing you ever do." Hagrid told them.

Hagrid clapped his hands. "Now who would want to say hello?" Hagrid asked. Everyone moved back expect Harry who stood still.

"Well done Harry, well done." Hagrid said. Harry looked to the side not knowing everyone backed up.

He moved to the bird then kneeled at it, before it kneeled back. Harry got on and the bird flew.

Y•N lost them but she knew it must've been fun. Eventually he came down.

Everyone clapped but Malfoy who walked forward. Y•N didn't hear what he said, but she knew it was bad as the bird scratched Him. "He's killed me..." Draco exaggerated.

"We need to get him to the hospital!" Hermione screamed. 

Hagrid carried Draco to the Hospital wing and Y•N followed.

Madame pomfrey Put a bandage around dracos arm, and told them they could leave.

"So when are you gonna stop the act?" Y•N asked Draco. "What act?" Draco asked back and rolled his eyes. "Draco it was one little scratch it doesn't hurt that bad." Y•N laughed.

"Shut up Avaline." Draco told her. "Come on let's go!" Y•N told him as they both walked to divination.

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