Year 5•5

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The days passed and Umbridge was still a teacher and appointed something new every day, thankfully Y•N was thankful that The Weasleys invited her for Christmas.

She was supposed to stay with her parents, but they were told to stay in Italy for a business meeting meaning she needed somewhere to stay.

"Here we go, daddy's back!" Mrs.Weasley said. Mr.Weasley was attacked by a snake as Harry said, it was a nightmare he had she didn't get a lot of details but she knew what it was about.

"Okay everybody sit down! Presents!" Mrs.Weasley said as she grabbed the presents to her side.

Y•N looked at the other side of the table, she looked at Harry who was alone.

"So why are you alone here?" Y•N asked taking the chair next to him. "I just feel like I don't belong." Harry said then gave a laugh. "You belong everywhere." Y•N said and gave a smile.

She watched as Mrs.Weasley handed everyone a bag, of wrapping. "Here you go dear." Mrs.Weasley said handing both of them a bag.

"Thank you Mrs.Weasley." Y•N said then smiled. "Of course dear." She looked at the velvet present with a yellow ribbon. She opened the present to see a scarf with the colors bronze,red and green and the letter Y•I in the bottom.

She put it on and smiled.

She watched as Harry walked towards a room. She followed him wanting to see what he was doing.

"You alright?" Y•N asked as she walked in. "Yeah just Ive never had a family, only Sirius." Harry said as he put his hand on the wall.

"You know you have Me, Hermione, and Ron." Y•N told him grabbing his hand.
Harry smiled looking at her eyes.

She heard a knock at the door, she turned to see Sirius standing there. "I'll leave you two alone." Y•N said letting go of his hand and walking out.

She walked upstairs to Hermione and Ron who were talking about the presents.

"This sweater is weird Mione!" Ron complained to Hermione. "Please Ronald, your mom made it." Hermione replied.

"It's okay Ron." Y•N said laughing.
"Bloody hell Y•N, you got a scarf." Ron said.

The three of them laughed as time passed and the conversation continued. "We should go before we are late." Hermione said picking up her bag. "Yeah let's go." Y•N said standing up.

The three of them walked out of the room and went downstairs to find Harry.
Y•N peaked into the door. "Sorry to interrupt, but Harry we need to go." Y•N said. Harry and Sirius nodded as he walked out.

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