Year 7•3

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"Sweetheart, can you come down here quickly!" She heard her fathers voice.

"Coming!" Y•N shouted running down the stairs.

She was getting ready to go back to Hogwarts, with Dumbledore gone, as well as Snape  as headmaster She knew it was gonna be bad.

She walked downstairs to see her father in his desk.

"What happened father?" She asked.

"Take a seat dear." He said patting the chair on the opposite of him. She nodded as she took the seat.

"So, remember in your fourth year how I told you when your grandpa has dreams of something they come true." Her father asked. She nodded as she played with her hands.

"Your grandfather thinks you shouldn't go to hogwarts this year." He said.

"Why?" Y•N asked as she placed her hands on the table.

"I'm not sure, he said bad things will happened." Her father suggested.

"Father this year is dangerous. It is already bad, hogwarts is safe, I'll be alright." Y•N said standing up.

Her father looked to her mom who gave a unsure look as she nodded.

"Okay just stay safe dear." Her father said.

"I will." She said as she kissed him on the cheek.

She smiled as she grabbed her trunk and waved to her mom.
She apparated to the platform where she saw Ginny on the Train.

"Ginny!" Y•N shouted as she hugged her.

"Y•N are you alright?" She asked with a worried look.

"Yes, I should be asking you that, did anything bad happen?" Y•N asked as she sat down next to her.

"No, We got questioned. Nothing severe." Ginny said as she waved at Neville.

"Hello Ginny, Hello Y•N." Neville said as he took the opposite seat of them. She waved as the train started to move.

Y•N was reading the book Dumbledore had left her, the information was mainly named of descendants, Hephaestus history, and about his morals.

"I'm so tired." Ginny complained.

"Same." Y•N nodded as she look outside.

She raised her eyebrow as the train stopped.

"We can't be there yet." Y•N asked standing up.

She watched as two death eaters came in checking the train.

"He's not here." Neville said as the man walked.

"They're smart enough to know, you idiots would check if they were here." Y•N muttered as a death eater laid their eyes on her.

He stared at her for a few seconds before turning to the side.

"They're looking for something, They're not safe if they come here." Ginny said.

She looked at the castle as they arrived, it looked depressing, torches were hardly on and if they were it was still very dark.

"I can't believe where gonna have to be here." Y•N said as they walked in.

"Me either." Ginny replied.

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