Year 5•7

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"Make it your happiest memory, allow it to fill you up

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"Make it your happiest memory, allow it to fill you up. Keep trying Seamus." Harry said as he check on everyone.

Today was the day they learned about the patronus charm, Y•N was rather excited to see what her patronus was.

"A full body patronus is the most difficult to produce,but being cheerful can equally work." Harry explained.

Y•N pointed her wand to the roof. She had tried about three times with her wand, nothing had happened. "This is hopeless." Y•N said putting her hands on her face. "Keep trying you'll get it." Harry told her. She smiled at him.

She tried to think of a happy memory. She kept thinking of The day Cedric kissed her, but it didn't work. Either she was doing the spell wrong or that memory isn't happy enough.

"You alright Y•N?" Hermione asked approaching her. "This spell is hopeless." Y•N complained. "Just think of a different memory, maybe that's the issue.

She looked at Hermione then at her wand. She though of when Harry kissed her, a amazing kiss. Y•N sighed before pointing her wand.

"Expect Patronum." Y•N said pointing her wand. She watched as a silver spark came out of her wand and into the fireplace, her patronus took form of a swan. "Wow Y•N!" Hermione told her. "You better tell me what that memory was." Hermione said then laughed. "Oh please." Y•N giggled.

She felt a shake in her foot. She looked up to the chandelier to make sure it wasn't her. She watched as the chandelier started to shake as well.

Y•N looked at the mirrors that slowly started to crack. She gathered with everyone who was looking at the mirrors. The mirror cracked as the wall was shown.

She saw a hole in the wall. Y•N walked forward to see the hole.

She peaked through the hole to see Umbridge. "Crap." Y•N said before Harry pulled her from her shoulders.

An explosive with her wand broke the wall in front of everyone.

She watched as Crabbe,Blaise,Pansy,Daphne were behind Unbridge. She looked at Hermione who was looking at her. She looked at the corner of her eye to see Draco pull Cho and a ravenclaw girl in.

Y•N looked at Harry who had a pure gasp in his face. "Detention all of you, Malfoy,Zalbini get Potter and Avaline." Umbridge said.

Draco walked towards her placing his hand on her hood of the robe. "Can you not Malfoy." Y•N said trying to move away from his hand.

"Shut up you mud-blood." Draco told her. "That's funny because-" Y•N said before getting silent.

Blaise and Draco moved her and Harry to Dumbledores office. They then passed them both to Percy Weasley one of Ron's older brothers.

Percy held Y•N and Harry robes as he walked in. She looked at the minister or magic, Umbridge,Dumbledore and two ministry workers.

Umbridge accused Dumbledore of making Dumbledores army making Y•N just want to pull out her wand. "No professor, he has nothing to do with it. It was me!" Harry shouted.

She watched as Dumbledore and the minister had a back to back arguement.

Y•N was sick of Cho and her friend, she hated them anyways since the start.

"Dumbledore you will be escorted to Azkaban." The minister said.
"Your joking right, Dumbledore had nothing to do with it!" Y•N shouted.

"Thank you Y•N, but don't worry." Professor Dumbledore told them.

She watched as Dumbledores phionex flew on top of him before they apparated.


All Dumbledores army members had gotten detention, but Cho and her friend. It made Y•N sick how she would do that. She knew people would crack, but to give where they practice and when was obvious.

She looked at time as she continued her O.W.L's. All the desks were in the great hall, all narrowed in a line.

The test was harder then usual, she wished that she was next to Hermione who would be helping her.

She suddenly heard a sound of a spell but yet very small. She turned around but nothing was there. She heard it again, before Umbridge started to walk forward to investigate.

Everyone turned around to see what was happening, yet nothing.

Umbridge opened the doors before a spark came at her. The spark came into the great hall making it a small firework.

She watched as Fred and George came in the great hall with their brooms throwing more fireworks. Y•N stood up to see the fireworks, they were beautiful and an amazing distraction to the test.

She watched as a giant firework came out making it form of a dragon chasing it Umbridge. Everyone laughed as it flew of cracking all the rules outside the great hall.

They all ran outside to see the letter "W" printed onto the sky as both Fred and George flew of. "You have an amazing family Ron!" Y•N told him as she cheered.

She looked at Harry who looked nauseous, he started to slowly collapse that got Y•N's attention, she walked towards him and placed his head on her lap. "Harry,Harry." Y•N repeated.
"Sirius." Harry told them.

Harry,Y•N,Hermione and Ron ran inside to continue what Harry had seen.
"Are you sure?" Hermione asked. "I saw it, it's just like Mr.Weasley same door I've been dreaming about for months, I couldn't help but see it. Sirius said Voldemort was out for something, something he didn't have lastime, and it's in the Department of mysterious. " Harry said running around the stairs.

"Harry please listen, what if Voldemort meant for you to see that. He's only hurting Sirius because he's trying to get to you." Hermione said.

"What if he is, am I supposed to just let him die?" Harry asked. "Mione it's the only family I have left."

Y•N looked at Hermione then at Ron then at Harry. "What do we do?" Y•N asked. "We have to use the floo network." Harry told them as they ran in, Harry let Y•N into Gryffindor tower to let her change quickly as Hermione handed her a sweater and pants.

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