YEAR 1•12

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It was May now, And the last month of School.

Pansy and Y•N were gonna miss each other,  Y•N was gonna miss Hogwarts overall. She learned so much, to be away from somewhere she had grown attachment too/

"Another year gone." Professor Dumbledore said as he stood up.

"And I'm sure the House Cup needs awarding." Dumbledore said. Draco smiled knowing Slytherin had the most points.

"In fourth place, Gryffindor with 312 points." Professor Dumbledore said. Y•N looked at Hermione and Ron as well as Harry.

"In third place, Hufflepuff with 352 points." Everyone clapped but most of the Slytherin didn't.

"In second place, Ravenclaw with 426 points." Dumbledore said.

All Ravenclaw started clapping, but not loud.

Draco and Pansy grinned.

"And in first place. With 472 points. Slytherin House." Dumbledore said.

Draco,Crabbe and Goyle started to clap very loudly, Y•N and Pansy started to clap as well. Y•N looked at Gryffindor house as they looked disappointed.

Y•N couldn't focus, she spotted a Boy who looked about 14, he was in hufflepuff.

He had brown eyes and light brown hair. Y•N touched Pansy's shoulder. "Who's that?" Y•N asked.

"Cedric Diggory he's a pureblood fourth year." Pansy relied.

"Yes,yes. Well done Slytherin, Well done. However." Professor Dumbledore shut everyone off. "Recent events must be taken into account." He said.

"And I have a fiew last minute points to award." Hermione looked up, Y•N turned.

"To Miss Hermione Granger." Dumbledore said. Hermione turned to Dumbledore. "The use of inflict, while others were in great danger. 50 points." Hermione smiled and Harry and Ron did as well.

Draco gave a disgusted look to Crabbe. "Second, to Mr. Ronald Weasley.with the best played game of chest Hogwarts has seen in years. 50 points." Professor Dumbledore said. Ron smiled to Harry then at Draco.

"And third, to Mr.Harry Potter. For pure love and outstanding courage. " he said. "I award Gryffindor house, 150 points." Dumbledore said. All Gryffindors started clapping.

Hermione looked to Ron. "We're tied with Slytherin!" She said and grinned.

"And finally, it's take a great deal with bravery to stand up to your enemies, but a greater deal to stand up to your friends." Dumbledore continued.

Professor McGonogall looked at the Gryffindors. "I award 10 points, to Neville Longbottom." All Gryffindors started to clap and looked at Neville.

Draco looked at the Gryffindors upset Slytherin ended up getting second. "Assuming my calculations are correct I believe, we need a change in decoration is in order." Dumbledore said then clapped his hands.

The ribbons who were once Green, and grey. Turned into red and gold, and replaced the serpent with a Lion.

"Gryffindor wins the house cup." Dumbledore said as he smiled.

All Gryffindors stood up and started to clap. All students threw their hat into the sky as they laughed and cheered.

Draco however just took his hat off in disappointment.

Y•N stood up and went to the gryffindor table. "Congrats Harry,Hermione and Ron." Y•N told them. "Thank you Y•N." They all said and Hermione hugged her.

The next day they went back home. Y•N had her luggage, and handed it to Hagrid. Y•N And Pansy went to the train and sat in their cabinet. Draco,Crabbe and Goyle followed them.

"Well this is the end to this year." Y•N said. "I'm gonna miss you guys!" Pansy said as she hugged Y•N. "Me too Pans." Y•N said as she hugged her back.

"What about you Draco?" Y•N asked him.

He looked up and smiled. "See you next year Avaline." He said as he opened a chocolate frog. Y•N nodded and smiled and fell asleep.

It took 2 hours to get there, Y•N grabbed her luggage and noticed her parents both there waiting to greet her. Y•N ran with open arms and hugged them both.

"We missed you sweetheart" Mrs.Avaline said. "Me to mother!" Y•N responded. She smiled at her parents once more then spotted Draco.

She walk towards to him, "see you next year Malfoy." Y•N said as she grinned. "See you next year Avaline." Draco said and Made a very little smile. Y•N smiled then walked away.

**Hi everyone, sorry about this year. I promise it will get a lot more interesting,  I hope you enjoyed year 1 love you!"

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