YEAR 2•1

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"Honey do you have everything packed?" Mrs.Avaline asked her daughter, picking up the keys to the Avalines home.

"Yes Mother." Y/N responded, Y/N was entering her second year at Hogwarts and she was ready for what this year can bring her. Last year brought her friends and joy and she just hoped it would be better if not same as her first year.

Y/N and her Mother walked into Kings Cross. Y/N was wearing a grey long sleeve sweater with a black plaid skirt. Her hair was in a waterfall braid  that she had done herself.

She Turned to her mom,hugging her as her hands wrapped around her moms waist.. "I'm gonna miss you Mom." Y/N told her mom while Hugging her tightly. "Me too sweetheart. I promise, me and your father will write, we were very busy last year but we'll make time to write a letter or two." Her mother assured her.

Y/N smiled and nodded. She hopped onto the train and waved her mother goodbye. Y/N walked to the Slytherin cabinets, she noticed a familiar brunette with brown eyes.

"Pansy!" Y/N smiled as she walked in. "Hi Y/N!" Pansy waved as she hugged her friend.

Y/N hugged her back and took the opposite side of the train. "So how was your summer?" Y/N asked trying to make conversation. "Very well, My father got a promotion in the Ministry." Pansy said as she opened her locket.

"Nice locket!" Y/N complemented, noticing the necklace.
"Thanks, My mother got it for me." Pansy responded, smiling at the necklace. Both girls talked for a while until they saw the door open. They noticed the familiar platinum blond hair, Draco Malfoy. He had gotten a tad taller but his face looked the same.

"Hi Draco." Pansy smiled, her cheeks turning a natural pink as her lips formed a smile.

"Hi Parkinson, and Avaline." Draco said as he took the seat next to Y/N. There was one thing different between this Draco and last year Draco. This year Draco was smiling.

"Where's Crabbe and Goyle?" Y/N asked while she put Flora on her lap. "Not here yet I suppose." Draco said as he got a book from his bag. The cabinet turned quiet.

"I feel like this will be a great year."  Draco spoke, interrupting the silence as we all turned to see his smile. "Why do you think that?" Pansy asked him. "I can feel it." He said as he showed a bigger smile. Alarming. Draco being positive, it must be Opposite Day. Y/N thought to herself.
Y/N Knew Draco wasn't like this, He never smiled unless he messed with Harry, or he thought something was funny.

She shook of her shoulders and let her head rest on the wall as she attempted to fall asleep. "Y/N,Y/N!" Pansy yelled trying to wake her friend up. "What's wrong?" Y/N asked, alarmed to see her friend. "We're here!" Pansy said as she opened the window. Oh right. Y/N got up as Flora meowed, upset that her owner interrupted her nap.

They got on a carriage that took second years and up To hogwarts, rather then using the boats that they took last year. Y/N got on and made space for Pansy. How is hogwarts real. Y/N thought to herself as she looked at the carriage that would start moving by itself

Draco crabbe and Goyle sat in the opposite side of both Girls as they all conversed about their day. It took about 20 minutes to get to Hogwarts. Y/N and Pansy changed into their robes as everyone explained about their excitement for the second year, Y/N waved to Hermione who seemed like she was looking for Harry.

Y/N and Pansy walked in and took in the Slytherin table. "Can you believe we had to get all of the Gilderoy Luckhart books?" Pansy asked with disbelief in her face. Y•N turned. "We did?." Y/N asked. "Yeah whoever is our new defense against the dark arts teacher must be a fan." Pansy assumed as she put her hair in a ponytail. "Well, I didn't get the books." Y/N said as she put her hand on her face.

"Don't worry, I have extra copies." Pansy responded. "You do?" Y/N gasped. "Yep, Father is a good fan of Gilderoy so he gave me a free set." Pansy responded.

Y/N smiled. "Yes, thank you so much!" She said and hugged Pansy. "Haha, No problem." She responded laughing. The sorting had finished as well as the feast, There was about 31 new people in Slytherin.

Everyone walked out and went to their common following their prefects as well. "I wonder where Harry went?" Y/N asked looking at Hermione who was walking alone with the rest of the Gryffindors.

"Y/N you worry about Harry so much, almost seems like you have a crush on him." Pansy said and laughed.

Y/N laughed. "Me? On Harry Potter? Hilarious." Y/N asked as she giggled, she still wondered where Harry went, as all the slytherins made their way to the dungeons.

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