Year 4•11

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"Are you ready Y•N?" Hermione asked her. They were both outside the great hall, today was Cedrics funeral. Y•N had her robes on as well as am the ring Cedric had given her in a necklace form.

Y•N nodded as they both walked in. Everyone started at her. "Cedrics girlfriend.." "I wonder how she feels." Many comments surrounded  her.
Ever since that night, Y•N only let Harry know about her powers. Draco's memory was erased as Y•N wished.

"Today we are here to honor a terrible loss." Professor Dumbledore said. "Cedric Diggory was as you all know, exceptionally hard working,infinitely fair-minded,and most importantly fierce, a fierce friend. Now I think you have the right to know exactly how he died. You see, Cedric Diggory was murdered by  Lord Voldemort. The ministry of magic does not wish I tell you this, but not do to do so I think would be an insult to his memory. Professor Dumbledore continued. Tears where still shedding from Y•N cheeks.

"Now the pain, we feel at this dreadful loss reminds me and reminds us,that while we may come from different places and speak in different tongues. Our hearts beat as one. In light of recent events, the bonds and friendships we've made this year will be important more than ever. Remember that, Cedric Diggory will not have died in vain,you remember that, we celebrate a boy who was kind and honest,brave and true right to the very end." Professor Dumbledore said.

"Now i think we should have someone speak of him as well, Y•N Avaline." Professor Dumbledore said as he sat down.

Y•N stood up and walked to the front her eyes were full of tears. "Um, well I'm Y•N I was Cedrics girlfriend,I barley experienced a year with him, I wish I could've spent more. He was amazing truthful, kind anything I could ask for." Y•N said.

"Will i be scared of the night for the rest of my life? Yes I will. This just shows everyone to appreciate every moment you have with someone, you might get in the fight with anyone and moments later their gone, and it would hurt to think the last memory had with them was an arguement. I was forced to choose someone out of three people to be killed, I couldn't answer I never could, instead of doing nothing he killed Cedric." Y•N cried. "That's all I have to say." Y•N said as she left the great hall and walked to her common room.

She had agreed with her parents to come home a little earlier, she didn't want to be in hogwarts for a little more. Summer break she could hopefully recover from this year.

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