Year 7•11

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"Harry!" She heard a voice as she turned to see Luna. "Harry Luna-" Y•N said before being cut of.

"Luna I'm busy right now!" Harry shouted as they ran up the stairs.

"Harry your wasting your time!" Luna shouted.

"We can talk later!" Harry replied. "Harry Potter you listen to me right now!" Luna shouted as they both turned around.

"Did you hear what Cho said there's not a person alive who's seen it, it's pretty obvious isn't it you have to talk to someone dead!" Luna said.

Y•N and Harry looked at each other as they nodded.

"I think it's best if you three talk alone, she's a little shy." Luna said as they reached a corridor.

Harry nodded as they walked forward.

They saw a ghost of a girl who looked like she was in her twenty's.

"Your the grey lady, the ghost of ravenclaw tower?" Harry asked.

"I do not answer to that name." The ghost said as she moved to the side.

"No I'm sorry, it's Helena?" Harry asked.

"Helena Ravenclaw Rowenas daughter?" Y•N asked.

"Your a friend with that Parkinson girl aren't you?" The ghost asked Y•N.

"No of course not." Y•N replied.

"Luna told us you might be able to help us." Harry said.

"You seek my mother's diadem." The ghost said as they both nodded.

"Luna is kind unlike so many of the others, but she's wrong I cannot help you." The ghost said as she went through them going to the other side.

"Wait!" Harry shouted as they ran to the porch.

"We want to destroy it!" Y•N shouted.

She stopped her tracks as she turned back.

The ghost moved to the side as Harry and Y•N chased after her. "It's what you wanted wasn't it?" Harry asked.

They chased after her as they stopped their tracks. "You want to destroy it don't you?" Harry asked.

"I swore to destroy it many years ago, a strange boy with a strange name." The ghost said as she backed up.

"Tom riddle." Y•N said putting her hand on the stone.

"But he lied." The ghost said.

"He's lied to many people." Harry said.
"I KNOW WHAT HES DONE I KNOW WHAT HE DID, HE DEFILED IT WITH DARK MAGIC." The ghost yelled passing through them again.

"We can destroy it once and for all." Harry said as they approached her.

"But only if you tell me where he did it." Harry said.

"You do know where he hid it don't you Helena?." Harry continued.

"You just have to tell us." Y•N said.

"Please." Y•N said.

She turned slowly to them as she nodded.

"Strange you remind me of him." The ghost said looking at Harry.

"It's here in the castle, placed where everything is hidden, if you have to ask you'll never know. If you know you need to only ask." The ghost explained.

Y•N and Harry turned to each other having a room in idea. "Thank you." They both said as they ran downstairs.

They ran as Harry stopped in his tracks falling in the wall. She ran towards handing him her hand. "You alright?" Y•N asked as he stood up.

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