Year 4•3

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Ever since the crime, Harry had gotten more secure and worried. Y•N knew something was coming but didn't know when.

"Anything from the trolly dears?" The woman asked. Ron,Y•N and Harry stood up to get their candy.

"A chocolate wand please." Y•N said and handed her the sickles. Y•N sat down and continued reading the daily prophet.

"This horrible, how can the ministry not mention it." Hermione blurted. "Isn't there any security?" She continued. "Ouch, according to dad not much." Ron said. "I'll be right back." Y•N said and stood up. She made her way to Slytherin cabinets, where she found Draco,Pansy and Blaise.

"Hello everyone." Y•N said as she walked in. "Great Avaline, just the person I wanted to see!" Pansy said with a weird tone a stood up, she grabbed Y•N's arm out of the cabinet.

"What happened?" Y•N asked.
"Nothing, but Draco told me he saw you in the quidditch World Cup." Pansy replied. "Yes is there a problem with that?" Y•N questioned. "Yes I need you to stay away from Draco." Pansy said.

"I'm sorry you can't choose my friends for me Parkinson." Y•N replied.
"If you don't I will make sure, that you and your muggle parents are out. You mud-blood." Pansy replied as she walked inside the cabinet shutting the door in Y•N's face.

"Whatever." Y•N replied and raised her eyebrows. She walked back to Harry,Ron and Hermione's cabinet.

The train ride ended shortly, but Y•N couldn't forget how Pansy threatened her. What had happened to her friend for previous 3 years she wondered. "Y•N are you okay?" Hermione asked.

"Yes sorry just questioning myself." Y•N replied and gave a small laugh. "You have to see this!" Hermione grabbed Y•N's arm to the side.

Y•N saw a white carriage in the sky with unicorns flying it. Everyone was trying to get a glimpse to see, pushing everyone.

"I think that's enough." Y•N said and laughed. "No look!" Hermione responded again. She pointed to the Great Lake with a small boat rose from the lake to become a huge boat. "Let's get our robes!" Hermione said and walked towards the girls bathrooms.

They made their way to the great hall for the sorting and feast.

"Now that we're all settled in and sorted,I'd like to make an announcement." Professor Dumbledore said as he took his stand. "In order for the castle to be your home this year,but home for some very special guests as well." Professor Dumbledore continued.

Mr.Filch came running in making the most noise possible, Y•N rolled her eyes.

"You see hogwarts has been chosen-" Professor Dumbledore was cut of as Mr.Filch whispered something into his ear.

"So, hogwarts has been chosen to host a legendary event. The triwizard tournament,Now for those who don't know the Triwizard tournament brings 3 schools in a series of magical contests. Three schools a single student selected to compete, And let me make it clear. If chosen you stand alone, Trust me when I say these contests are not for the fame, but more of that later. Now please join me in welcoming the Ladies and Gents from beauxbatons academy of magic, with their headmistress Madame Maxine." He said.

The doors open widely, Girls and a few boys walked, their uniforms were graceful as well as baby blue.

Y•N looked at everyone, it looked like every single boy got their attention. She rolled her eyes as Everyone clapped, however Y•N didn't.

"Now our friends from the north,Dumstrang and the high master Igor Karlaov." Professor Dumbledore finished. Everyone watched as they tumbled in the floor, as well as with a staff make a noise.

Y•N caught the eye of a specific person. She recognized him from the quidditch world cup, it was Viktor Krum.

Professor Dumbledore kept going about the triwizard tournament, however Y•N couldn't focus. Many things were on her mind including Pansy threatening her, and her fourth year.

She heard everyone scream, she looked up to see the sky was now dark with lighting. A charm was sent to the sky making it normal.

She looked to a man who looked like he just took a shower,He also had one eye.


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