Year 5•9

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They walked to find a door that Harry recognized immediately

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They walked to find a door that Harry recognized immediately.

"Let's go here." Harry said as they walked in.

They looked inside, it looked like the Hogwarts library just 20 times bigger, and full of glass.

She looked at the amount of prophecy's on the shelf's all glass.

"Wow." Hermione gasped as they looked around. "Harry this one has your name." Neville said as he looked at a prophecy.

They all gathered to see as Harry picked the prophecy up. "Harry." Luna said. They turned to what Luna was looking at.

They saw as a man In a mask slowly walked forward.

She recognized the masks immediately. The ones from her fourth year.  "Stand behind me." Harry said with the prophecy in his hand.

They all backed behind him as the man walked closer.

The man stopped before pulling out his wand. He took the mask of the reveal Lucious Malfoy.
"So you saw what the dark lord, wanted you to see." Lucious Malfoy said.

They all pointed their wands waiting to movement.

"Now hand me the prophecy." He said as he held his hand. "Hurt any of us, and I'll break it." Harry said.

She heard a distant laugh that startled her. "He knows how to play, itty bitty baby Potter." A woman said.

She walked forward the side of Lucious, She looked like she had no hairbrush. Her teeth were yellow and her hair was black.

"Bellatrix Lestrange?" Neville said worriedly. "Neville Longbottom is it? How's mom and dad." The woman said.

"Better now that their gonna be avenged." Neville said before pointing his wand, as Harry held him up. 

"Calm down, just give us the prophecy." Lucious said putting his hands up.
"Why did Voldemort need me to come get this." Harry asked.

"You said his name, you filthy half-blood!" Bellatrix shouted.

Lucious kept speaking as Y•N started to point her wand at the other men who started surrounding her.

"Guess it can wait a little longer, Now!" Harry shouted. They all threw spells that immediately flinged the men.

They all followed Harry who started to run to the side. They were caught to a dead end, as the people started to apparate.

She followed Luna where the found a death eater. "Stupefy!" Y•N shouted as the death eater flinged. "Let's go." Y•N said handing Luna her hand.

They ran to find Harry who was also throwing spells.

They all huddled to a death eater that was coming their way. "Reducto!" Ginny shouted. A huge light came out. It slowly caused all the prophecy shelf's to fall. "Run!" Harry shouted.

They all ran the opposite way to another door. "Go!" Harry shouted.

They all walked to the door falling before Hermione threw a spell for a softer landing.

"Department of mysteries." Harry said as they all stood up. Y•N rubbed her forehead as she had gotten a scratch.

She started to hear whispers coming from a statue with a open view. "The voices." Y•N said as she slowly walked up.

"There aren't any voices Y•N." Hermione told her.

"Let's get out of here." Hermione said.

"I can hear them to." Luna and Harry said at the same time.

"Harry we need to get out, please harry!" Hermione shouted. "Get behind me!" Harry yelled.

They all walked behind Harry pulling out their wands. She watched as a grey smoke quickly collapsed to them. She felt someone grab her shoulder. "Let go!" Y•N shouted.

She felt as a death eater held her by the neck with a wand pointed to her neck.
She shurgged trying to get out of his arm.

"Did you actually believe, were you actually naive that you stood a chance against us." Lucious said d Harry.

"I'll make this simple for you Potter, give me  the prophecy now." He told him. Harry looked at her then at the rest of them.

"Harry don't give it!" Y•N shouted. She felt a wand dig deep into her neck.

She looked at Harry who was conscious about it. He handed it to him as he lifted it up.

She watched as someone apparated in the back of them both. "Get away from my godson." Sirius said before punching Lucious. She watched as other members from the order of the phionex started to appears.

Y•N held her hand up as she made the death eater who was holding her feeling his bones burn causing him to let go of her.

She ran to Hermione as they hid behind rocks.

"Stupefy!" Y•N shouted at a death eater that was approaching them.

She watched as a death eater threw a spell at her causing her to break her wrist. She looked at Harry and Sirius who were in the middle.

"Experlliamous!" Harry shouted as a death eaters  wand was flinged. "Nice one James!" Sirius shouted.

She watched as Sirius and Lucious three spells at each other before Sirius disarmed him. "Avada Kedabrva!" She heard as a green spell flashed at Sirius. She looked as he looked at Harry, before his body slowly went to the statue.

Y•N looked at Harry who looked like he was gonna collapse. She ran to him hugging him immediately. He ran out of the room looking to get revenge.

"Y•N come help me!" Hermione shouted. She ran towards her as Ginny has broken her arm.

Y•N and hermione did small spells that helped her not feel it for a few hours. "We have to see Harry!" Y•N shouted. They all nodded as they ran out of the room. She looked at Harry who was on the floor and Dumbledore around him. He looked like his soul was removed from him almost possessed.

She watched as Voldemort appeared. She watched as Ministry employees started to appear. "He's back." Fudge said.

Y•N ran to Harry who slowly got up.

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