Year 7•5

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After her Mother and Fathers death, life had gotten worse. Death eaters knew about her powers, meaning she was a target as well.

It had been two weeks living in this forest, Y•N couldn't go to hogwarts. The corrows were there as well as Snape, everywhere was unsafe currently.

"Time to eat." Y•N said grabbing her Pygmy puff and placing it on her shoulder.

She walked out of her tent and went to the nearest bush of blueberries.

She had done enchantments with her wand on the tent, she drew a line around the tent so she can see out, but no one can see in.

"Here you go Lynch." Y•N said holding her hand with a blueberry on top.

Lynch nibbled it of her hand as she grabbed more. "That should be enough." Y•N said having a hand full.

She smiled as she walked to the tree as she heard the sound of steps.

She took out her wand pointing it to where the sound came from.

"Show yourself." Y•N said as she kept her wand pointed.

"Y•N?" Hermione said walking up to her.

"Hermione what are you doing here?" Y•N said lowering her wand.

"Me, Ronald and Harry have been hiding here, what about you?" Hermione asked.

"My parents died and I've been hiding here for safety." Y•N replied putting down Lynch.

"Oh I'm sorry. Here come in to our tent." Hermione said pointing at an area.

She nodded as she followed her to a tent.

"Look who I found." Hermione said opening the tent door.

She walked inside to see Harry seated in a table and Ron in a chair.

Harry stood up when he saw her,she gave a forced smile as she waved to both of them.

"Well um, me and Harry are studying something do you want to help us?" Hermione asked grabbing a book from a table.

"Sure." Y•N said softly.

She walked to the table that was in the middle of the tent. "Hey by the way I'm sorry." Hermione said approaching her.

"I didn't mean to get all mad about it, I just got frustrated you didn't tell us." Hermione said sitting next to her.

"Okay Granger, I accept your apology." Y•N said laughing at the end. Hermione hugged her before walking to Harry, while she was cutting his hair.

Y•N took the time to read books along with the book Dumbledore had given her, everything Dumbledore gives has clues to what's next which is what she trusted.

"Oh my goodness." Y•N said shutting a book. "What happened?" Hermione asked standing up.

"Hold on." Y•N said grabbing another book. Harry stood up and walked over to the table as well. "The sword of Gryffindor, it's goblin made." Y•N said looking through pages of a book.

"Yes it is why?" Hermione asked sitting down.

"You don't understand, dirt and rust have no affect on the blade, it only takes in that which makes it stronger." Y•N said pointing her finger on a page of the book.

"Yes and?" Hermione asked grabbing the book.

"Harry already destroyed one horcrux, the diary in the chamber of secrets." Y•N said standing up.

"With a basilisk fang." Harry said moving up.

"Don't you see, in the chamber of secrets you stabbed the basilisk with the sword of Gryffindor, it's blade has basilisk venom." Y•N said smiling.

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