Year 5•4

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Y/N sat next to Daphne Greengrass who was reading the daily prophet. Daphne Greengrass was probably one of the nicest Slytherin girls. "This year is gonna be so boring." Daphne complained. "Right." Y/N replied. She liked that Daphne shared a point of view with her, unlike the rest of slytherins who only cared about pleasing umbridge.

She got a glimpse of Hermione pointing at Y/N then at herself. "Give me a second." Y/N spoke, standing up from her seat to walk towards Hermione. "What happened?" Y/N asked. "We found where we can meet up for Dumbledores army!" Hermione smiled as she grabbed Y/N's wrist.

Hermione dragged Y/N who followed her friend. "Where are we even going?" Y/N asked. "Just wait." Hermione told her.
Hermione stopped at a clear wall.  The wall had nothing, not even a portrait. "Okay a wall and?" Y/N asked looking at Hermione. "Wait wait!" She pleaded. She looked at the wall. After a few seconds, the wall started to from two big black doors.

"Woah." Y/N exclaimed. "Right! This is the room of requirement." Hermione smiled as she opened the doors.
She walked into the room, seeing Harry, Ron and Neville immediately.

"Wow this is amazing." Y/N smiled as she looked around. "Hey Y/N can we talk?" She turned to see Harry looking at Her. She nodded as she followed him to the corner of the room. For what could he want to talk to her about.

"Okay so basically, this room opens to anyone who needs it." Harry started to explain as Y/N nodded. "If anyone needs the room can you possibly make the doors appear?" Harry asked. "I'm not sure Harry, my powers work for locations, I'm not sure if it would for here. And I'm also scared of anyone finding about my powers. I can't risk it, I'm sorry." Y/N responded.

"I'm sorry, I kind of assumed-" Harry started to apologize before being cut off. "It's alright, I trust you." Y/N spoke, giving him a smile in the end. "Hey you two, let's think about days we can practice!" Hermione shouted as she placed her elbow on Y/N's shoulder.

"Brilliant." Y/N said causing the four of them to laugh.


Practices had started, Harry was a great teacher, he had teached disarming techniques and so many more defensive skills. He wanted to teach them the patronus charm but in time.

"Have you heard Y/N?" Daphne asked, approaching her along with her younger sister Astoria. "Heard what?" She asked as she grabbed her book. "Unbridge is starting a inquisitorial squad, people who join, get extra credit. Wanna  come with?" Astoria asked grabbing Y/N's hand.  Y/N looked at the floor, she knew Unbridge was starting this group because of Dumbledores army, the rumors had started. "I don't think so, I'm very busy." Y/N spoke giving a fake laugh.

"Okay well, we're gonna go sign up." Daphne excused herself as she grabbed Astorias hand. Unbridge had interrogated students, luckily Y/N didn't crack which relieved her.

she walked to find the room of requirement for the meeting, she watched as the black doors slowly started to appear before she could even enter, she heard some steps coming from somewhere. "Crap." Y/N sighed. She opened the door immediately, rushing in, hoping that no one saw her enter.

"There you are Y/N, let's start." Hermione said smiling.  Happy to see her friend, even though she was late.

They all huddled around a black statue. "Can someone think of a spell to make this statue go away." Harry asked. Y/N looked at the statue, seeing its face reminded her of the masks from her fourth year. "Reducto!" Y/N shouted pointing her wand to the statue.

The statue turned into dust, as she looked up. Had she done right? She looked at Harry who was giving her a nice smile. Giving her satisfaction that the answer was correct.

The rest of the meeting was more disarming and more charms.

"Y/N let'sgo say bye." Ron told her. Y/N nodded as she walked towards Ron, Harry and Hermione who were standing in front of the doors, all ready to say goodbye to all of the army.

"So that's it for this lesson, now we're not gonna be meeting again till after the holidays. So just keep practicing on your own the best as you can and we'll done everyone, great work." Harry instructed as everyone clapped.

"Good job mate." Ron whispered to Harry. Before walking away.

Y/N went to grab her book bag that was sitting next to the mirror stand. She looked at mirror then at herself. There were so many notes placed on the mirror from spells and charms and so many more. By the corner of her eye, she saw a photo of Cedric. She realized, that looking at the photo in that moment, it didn't make her that emotional. She was moving on. And it made her proud.

"You alright?" Harry asked. She looked back to see Harry who was standing behind her. "Yeah, just memories." Y/N responded as she gave a fake laugh.  "Anyways, what about you?" Y/N questioned. Changing the subject away from her.
Well." Harry whispered then laughed.

"I'm very nervous about this, it sucks trying to pretend to be strong." Harry continued as she smiled."You're an amazing teacher Harry, you know." Y/N complemented as she smiled. He blushed by the comment. "Thank you, you've been a big help as well." She smiled and looked at his eyes. His eyes were beautiful,  they were the type of eyes that you could stare at for hours and imagine a beautiful world in them. She watched as his eyes aimed up to the roof, causing her to look too. A simple mistletoe grew from the roof in that moment for the holidays.  "Mistletoe." Y/N whispered smiling. "Probably the nargles." Harry replied causing both of them to laugh. "Possibly." Y/N replied laughing.

She hated mistletoe, and dumb traditions like that, but it felt right. It would make sense to kiss him in this moment. Both of them leaned in,  both secretly hoped that Hermione wouldn't enter the room like she had two years ago. And thankfully she didn't. There lips met as she closed her eyes and thought about this. She had known Harry from her first year, her best friend, no one could compare to him. In comparison to Cedric who she had only known for a year. It didn't feel the same. Instead it felt somewhat better, and it made her feel more safe with him.

Both of them pulled away, a bit shocked from each others action but not regretful. She gave a small smile before exiting the room. A part of her felt guilty for kissing him, she needed someone to tell her if it was right for her to be with someone new already.

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