Year 7•6

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She looked at the mountains, Ron still hadn't came back leaving Hermione blue.

Hermione had researched in all the books she had along with Harry who were searching for clues in the book Dumbledore had given her.

"I found something as well." Hermione said as Y•N approached her.

"At first I thought it was an eye, then a rum, theres nothing in Wizarding spells, someone inked it in, it wasn't part of the book, someone drew it." Hermione said pointing to a symbol on the book.

"Lunas dad was wearing that at Bill And fleurs wedding." Harry said. "Why would someone draw it in a children's book." Y•N said looking at the symbol.

"Hermione and Y•N, I've been thinking, I want to go to Godrics hallow. It's where I was born its where my parents died." Harry blurted.

"That's where he would expect you to go, it means something to you." Hermione said. "It means something to him to, he almost died there is that a likely place we would find a horcrux?" Harry asked.

"It's dangerous Harry, but if you think we should go, I think something else is hidden there." Hermione continued.

"What?" Harry asked.

"The sword." Hermione replied.

"Also Y•N pass me the blade in my bag." Y•N nodded as she Searched through the bag. "Why?" Y•N asked as she looked through the bag.

"I was reading the book Dumbledore left you, and I wanna prove something." Hermione said.

Y•N pulled the blade as she watched Hermione stick her arm out.
"What?" Y•N asked.

"Cut me?" Hermione said putting her arm out. "Of course not." Y•N replied lowering the blade.

"Just do it make it small." Hermione said shutting her eyes.

"Fine." Y•N replied.

She made a small cut in Hermiones arm as she flinched. "Okay can you put your hands over it do what you would do with your powers." Hermione told her.

"Hermione I'm not putting your arm on fire." Y•N joked.
"Just do it." Hermione said.
Y•N shurgged as she put her hands over her arm. She closed her arms and waited for Hermione to say anything.

"It worked!" Hermione shouted. Y•N opened her eyes to see where the cut was once all blank, looking like a blade didn't go through it.

"Woah." Y•N said. "It says here descendants also have powers to heal others!" Hermione said smiling.
"That's amazing!" Y•N replied standing up.

"Right!" Hermione said as she stood up.

"We should go now before it gets very dark." Harry said as he approached them. They both nodded as they walked back to the tents.

"Do you think we should use polyjuice potion?" Hermione asked as they walked forward.

They were in godrics hallow it was snowing as well as a weird feeling.

"No this is where I was born, I'm
Not pretending I'm someone else." Harry replied as they walked forward.

"I think it's Christmas Eve." Y•N said turning to the decorations.

"Do you think they would be in there, My mom and dad?" Harry asked looking at a house.

Y•N and Hermione nodded as they stood in front of a cemetery.

They walked inside as she followed Harry to where he walked.  He stopped his tracks in front of a stone.

The stone said James Potter • Lily Potter bolded on the stone.

Hermione grabbed her wand placing a bouquet of flowers on the Stone.

"I think they would be really proud of you Harry." Y•N said grabbing his hand. He was crying as he leaned his head on her head.

"There's someone watching us." Hermione said causing them both to turn. She saw a older woman in the entrance of the cemetery walking around.

She exited as the three of them slowly followed her.

"I don't like this Harry." Hermione whispered. "Hermione she knew Dumbledore, she might have the sword." Harry whispered.

They continued walking till Harry stopped in his tracks. "This is where they died." Harry said as he approached a house that looked like it had been burned.

"This is where he murdered them." Harry continued. They turned to see a woman who looked like she was in her 70's.

"Your bathilida aren't you?" Harry asked.
She nodded as she pointed at her house signing them to follow her.

They walked into her house, Y•N felt insecure, she lifted looked harmless but you never know.

"Here let me do that for you." Harry said lighting the candle, they walked around the house. Y•N followed Harry who had a small piece of fire on a paper.

"Lumos." Y•N said pulling out her wand. "Mrs.Bagshot who's this man?" Harry said looking at a portrait of a man.

She gave her no response walking upstairs.

"Harry." Y•N whispered as he walked upstairs. She followed him into a room where she stood there.

She looked at The horcrux Harry was wearing. She whispered parsletongue that both Y•N and Harry recognized it as they could speak  it. Harry replied as the woman looked to the side.

Y•N grabbed Harry's arm telling him she felt unsafe.

"Hold on." Harry said As he walked up to a vanity.

She followed Harry to a vanity where she looked at the mirror. She saw the woman behind them start to shake. "Harry." Y•N said pushing him. He turned as they moved back. The woman turned into a snake making them move back.

"Y•N go behind me." Harry said as he grabbed a chair.

She nodded as she pulled her wand from her sweater.

She threw spells helping Harry as they broke a wall.

"Stupefy!" Y•N said as the snake was slithered around Harry. The snake was flinged back as Hermione walked in. Hermione through a spell causing the snake to fall in a missing peace of the floor.

They walked back as Hermione grabbed Harrys wand before Y•N and Hermione pointed their wands at the floor.

"Run!" Y•N shouted hitting the snake with fire causing it to be damaged.
She grabbed Harry and Hermione as they apparated into air.

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