Year 7•8

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"It looks like a nice day." Y•N said as they walked closer to The Lovegood home.

"I hope so." Harry replied grabbing her hand. She smiled as she held his hand. "You can't stay mad at him forever Mione." Y•N said looking at Hermione.

"I'm always mad at him." Hermione replied.

She looked at the door with a plated decal saying. "The Quibbler editor, X.Lovegood."

Hermione knocked as they took a few steps back.

She watched as the door opened to show Lunas dad. "What is it, who are you, what do you want ?" He asked.

"Ah Mr.Lovegood, I'm Harry Harry Potter, we met a few months ago in the wedding, can we come in?" Harry asked as he walked forward.

Xenephilius nodded as he brought them inside a standing area.

"Where's Luna?" Y•N asked grabbing a tea cup from the table. "Luna, she'll be along." Xenephilius said looking at the ground.

"So how can I help you Mr.Potter." He asked taking a sip from the cup.

"Well actually, it was about something you were wearing on your neck in the wedding, like a symbol." Harry replied.

"You mean this?" He asked pulling out a necklace to reveal the symbol from the book.

"Yes exactly like this, we were wondering what is it?" Harry asked.

"What is it? It's the sign of the deathly hallows of course." He replied.

"The what?" Hermione asked. "The deathly hallows, I'm sure your all familar with the tale of the three brother." Mr.Lovegood said.

"No." Y•N replied along with Harry.

"I have it in here." Hermione said pulling out the book Dumbledore had given her.

"There once was 3 brothers wondering around a lonley road at twilight." Hermione said before being cut of.
"Midnight, Mum always said midnight." Ron said they all stared at him before turning to Hermione.

"There once was three brothers traveling along a lonely wooden rode at twilight. In time the brothers reached a river in time, but being apart of the magical arts the three brothers simply waved their wands and made a bridge, before they could cross however they found their path being blocked by a Hod-den figure. It was death and he felt cheated, cheated because travelers would normally drown in the river. But he was cunning, he acted as he congratulated the three brothers on their magic, and each should earn a prize. The oldest, asked for the most powerful wand in existence, so death fashioned him one from a elder tree that stood near by. The second brother decided he wanted to humiliate death even further and ask for the power to recall love ones from the grave. So death popped a stone from the river and offered it to him. Finally death turned to the third brother, a humble man, he asked for something to be borrowed without being followed by death, and relatedly death handed over his own cloak of invisibility. The first brother travelled to an distant village with the elder wand In hand, he killed a wizard he had most fought in time. Drunk with the power the elder wand had given him, he bragged about the power of its ability. But that night another man stole the brothers wand and slit his throat for good measure, and so death took the first brother for his own. The second brother journeyed To his home, he took the stone and twisted it in his hand, to his delight the girl he had hoped to marry before her untimely death appeared before him, yet soon she turned sad and cold saying she did not belong in the mortal world, mad with his hope the second brother killed himself, and so death took the second brother. As for the third brother, death searched for him for many years but was unable to find him only when he Uptained a great age, shared the cloak of invisibility and gave it to his son, he then greeted death as an old friend, and went with him gladly departing his life as equals." Hermione said closing the book.

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