Year 2•8

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"Y•N I thought I would never see you again"

"Y•N dear." A voice said. Y•N could feel taps on her shoulder. She opened her eyes and saw Madame Pomefrey.

Y•N immediately stood up. "What happened!?" Y•N asked. "You were petrified, but your okay now hunny." Madame Pomefry said as she made her way to another patient bed.

Y•N walked to see who she went to see. "Is that hermione?" Y•N asked and put her hand on her mouth. "Yes she was also petrified, but you two are okay now."

Madame Pomefry tapped Hermione's shoulder and saw Hermione's eyes open.
"What happened?" Hermione asked.
"You And Y•N were petrified, Miss Granger. Madame Pomefry said as she got a parchment.

Hermione rubbed her Forehead and looked at Y•N who was standing in front of her.

"Where is everyone Ma'am?" Y•N asked.

"They're at the end of year feast of course." Madame Pomefry said. "You girls are free to go." Hermione stood up and both girls walked to the great hall where they heard a lot of chatter.

They opened the doors. Hermione ran towards Harry and Ron, while Y•N ran to Pansy and Draco. Y•N hugged Pansy and smiled. "Thank god your okay Y•N!" Pansy said and got Y•N's shoulders. Y•N smiled and started to laugh.

She saw Draco who looked Like he didn't know what to say. Y•N smiled and Hugged Draco tightly. He hugged her back. "Are you ok Avaline?" Draco asked her. "Yes Malfoy." Y•N said and laughed.

Y•N made her way to the Gryffindor table where she was greeted by Ron.
"Hi Y•N!" Ron told Y•N. Harry turned to Y•N and hugged her like she had been missing for 10 years.

"Y•N I thought I would never see you again." Harry told Y•N. "Ahaha I'm good now." Y•N and smirked. She walked back to the Slytherin table. Y•N had forgotten everything but, one thing. Did Harry like her?

She placed her hand in her chin and couldn't focus in Dumbledores speach, Was she really gone for that long.


"Come on Y•N!" Pansy said waking Y•N up from her nap in the train.
"Where here!" She continued.

Y•N stood up and got sapphire in her cage, She was her parents from a distance and ran to them.

They greeted her with a huge hug.

"Hi silly!" Her mom said as she placed her hands on her head.
"Hi mom!" Y•N responded.

She moved to her Father and hugged him as well.

Her parents helped them with her bags.
She spotted Draco and walked towards him.

"See you next year." Y•N said as she crossed her arms.

"See you Avaline." Draco said and threw a mini-smile.

Y•N smiled, She looked up and Saw a man who looked like Draco. He looked at her with a weird eye.

She walked away and went with her Parents.

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