Year 5•3

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Time had passed, but as Y/N hated that Umbridge was still a teacher. she and Harry had agreed to not tell Professor McGonogall or any Staff about their scars they didn't want anything to get worse.

"Hello Harry,Hello Hermione,Hello Ron, and Hello Ginny." Y/N greeted as she sat in the table. "Hello Y/N." Hermione greeted. Hermione knew about her and Harry's scar but she agreed on not saying anything.

"What's happening over there?" Ron asked as he pointed to the stairs.They all got up to see Professor McGonogall and Professor Umbridge.

"I'm saying when it comes to my students, you confirm to our discipline rules." Professor McGonogall spoke . "So silly of me, but it sounds like your questioning my authority in my own classroom. Minevra." Umbridge said as she took another step. "Not at all Dolores. You and your medieval methods." Professor McGonogall spoke.  "I'm sorry dear, but to question my practices, is to question the ministry. Including the minister himself, i'm a tolerate woman, but the one thing I won't stand for is disloyalty." Professor Umbridge responded.

"Disloyalty?" Professor McGonogall asked.

"Things at hogwarts,are worse then I feared Corenelius will want to take immediate action." Umbridge threatened.

Y/N and Harry looked at Hermione as their first instinct. "Woops." Hermione said causing Y/N to laugh. She wasn't mad about it, she should've known that Hermione would tell.

Days had passed Y/N had hoped that Umbridge would retire, but instead she was appointed a Hogwarts high inquisitor.

"Students aren't allowed to be 6 inches near each other, Ties done. What else does she need?! She's mental." Ron complained. "Right, she inspects every class like as if we're not getting teached, if anything it's her class she should be inspecting." Y/N replied as she shut her book.

"What's happening?" Harry asked as he joined them. "Professor Trelawney." Y/N replied. Everyone huddled around the yard, in the middle was Professor Trelawney, Filch and Professor Umbridge.

"Six, sixteen years I've taught. Hogwarts is my home,you can't do this!" Professor Trelawney cried. "Actually I can." Umbridge spoke as she pulled out an envelope.

Professor McGonogall ran towards Trelawney. Comforting her immediately.

"Is there something you want to say dear?" Umbridge asked. "There are several things I would like to say." Professor McGonogall replied. She heard the sound of doors open, every student turned to face them as Dumbledore walked in.

"Professor McGonogall, may you escort Sybill back inside?" Professor Dumbledore asked. Y/N couldn't focus on what They continued arguing about, till Hermione passed her a note.

'Hey Y/N, Me, Harry and Ron want to start a group where we can ACTUALLY learn defense against the dark arts, wanna help us plan?'

She grabbed her quill and wrote back, 'definitely'


"This is mad, who's gonna be taught by me, I'm nothing remember?" Harry asked. They were walking to the hogs head. "Who's supposed to be meeting us here?" Y/N asked. "Just a couple of people." Hermione replied.

They stood in front of the room as they waited for people to show up. Y/N looked at Neville, Luna, Ginny, the twins and other students start to arrive. "Should we start?" Hermione whispered. They all nodded as Hermione stood up.

"Hi, so we all know why where here, we need a teacher. A proper teacher one who's had real experience defending themselves against the dark arts." Hermione spoke.

"Why?" A  hufflepuff boy asked. "Why, because you know who's back you tospot." Ron mocked the boy. "So he says." The boy snickered. "So Y/N and Dumbledore say." Hermione continued.

"So Dumbledore and Y/N say because he says." The boy continued. "I'm pretty sure I wouldn't lie about his death." Y/N said as she crossed her arms standing up immediately.

"You know you could tell us more about how Diggory got killed." A ravenclaw boy said. "I'm not gonna talk about Cedric and I don't think Y/N's comfortable talking about it either, so if that's why your here, might as well clear out now." Harry replied. "This is hopeless Hermione." Harry whispered to Hermione.

"Is it true you can preform a patronus charm?" Luna asked.
"Yes, I've seen it." Hermione answered. "Blimey Harry, didn't know you could do that." Dean spoke. "And he killed a basalisk with the sword in Dumbledore's office." Neville said.

"It's true." Ginny continued. "And he fought about 100 dementors at once." Ron said. "And last year he did fight you-know-who, I saw it." Y/N said. "It all sounds good, when you say it like that, but the truth is most of it was luck. I didn't know what I was doing half the time and I nearly always had help." Harry said turning at Y/N.

"Your just being modest." Y/N said grabbing his wrist. "I'm not, facing this stuff in real life is not like school,in school you make a mistake you can just try again tomorrow, but out there when your seconds away from being murdered or watching a friend die right before your eyes. You don't know what that's like." Harry said. 

"You're right Harry we don't, which is why we need your help, because if where gonna have any chance at beating.. Voldemort." Hermione spoke, hesitating on saying his name.

"He's really back." Collin  asked. Harry and Y/N nodded. Y/N got a parchment and put it on the table for everyone to sign who was interested in joining, Y/N,Harry,Hermione and Ron's signature were the first ones.

 Y/N got a parchment and put it on the table for everyone to sign who was interested in joining, Y/N,Harry,Hermione and Ron's signature were the first ones

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People had signed up which relieved Hermione. "Me and Ron are gonna get something from Honeydukes give us a second!" Hermione said as they walked out of the hogs head.

"I'll help you clean up." Y/N told Harry. She cleaned the tables as well as the chairs everyone had sat on.

"Looks spotless." Y/N spoke then laughed. "Yup." Harry replied. "Do you think this group is mental?" Harry asked her. "No  I think it's brilliant." Y/N said that caused her and Harry to smile. She smiled as she grabbed her bag.

"Come on you two!" Hermione said as she opened the door. "Coming." They both said walking out of the room.

"I'll be right back." Y/N spoke before waving to them. She walked to honey dukes to buy Bertie botts so she could send for her parents.

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