Year 3•5

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"You'll experience a huge, sacrifice."

"Divination is harder to get then normal classes." Y•N said as she read her schedule.

"Tell me about it." Draco said as he opened the door.

She looked at the class, it reminded her of Arabic movies from back home.

"Miss Avaline, and Mr.Malfoy so kind for you to join us." The woman said.

Y•N looked at her from feet to hair, she looked like she was living in the 1970's.
"Sorry Professor, Malfoy got hurt." Y•N said as she looked at Draco.

"Yeah sorry Professor." Draco said as he rolled his eyes.

"All fine Children, Y•N take a seat with Harry, And Draco sit with Parkinson." The Professor said as she pointed to the spots.

Y•N moved to Harry, and Ron's table. She smiled at Harry as he smiled back.

"Continuing our discussion, I am Professor Trelawny, Together we shall cast ourselves into the future!" She screamed at the end as she raised her hands.

"This time we will be focusing on reading tea leaves,so please grab a cup from the table." She continued. Y•N grabbed a cup from the table, she looked at the cup it looked normal.

"That was a little rubbish." A girl said. Y•N turned around to see Hermione seated.

"Where did you come from?" Ron screamed. "Me? I've been here all this time." Hermione Defended. Y•N knew she hadn't but stayed quiet.

Professor Trelawney walked by all the students, Before walking up to Ron.
"You are you in the beyond? I think you are." Professor Trelawney asked Ron giving him a worried look.

"Sure." Ron responded giving her a worried look.

Ron described what he saw in the cup, as Y•N drew circles on Harry's hand.

Professor Trelawney looked at Y•N who was sitting next to Ron. "Give me the cup?" Professor Trelawney asked. Y•N gave her the cup as she lowered her eyebrows.

Professor Trelawney looked at the cup, before it dropped in her hands and broke into many pieces.

"Oh dear I hate to tell you, You'll experience a huge huge sacrifice." She told Y•N.

Y•N looked at Harry who was looking at her. "What does that mean?" Y•N Asked worriedly.

"Not sure sweetheart, but you will feel pain, massive pain." Professor Trelawney told her. Y•N got her books and left the classroom. Divination wasn't real anyway.

She wiped her tears, and took of her cardigan. "Hey are you okay?" She heard a voice and turned around. It was Harry who approached her slowly. "You can't be here." Y•N responded and tried to wipe her tears faster.

"If it makes you feel better, Professor Trelawney dropped my cup as well and said I had the grim." Harry said as he put Y•N's hair behind her ear.

Y•N gave a chuckle. "A huge sacrifice, And massive pain." Y•N said as she turned to Harry. "What does that even mean." Y•N said.

"Not sure, just ignore it." Harry said and hugged Y•N. She smiled as her head was on his shoulder. They both started at each other for a second before Y•N blurted out.

"We should go to defense against the dark arts." Y•N said wiping her tears one more time and put her cardigan on again.

"Yeah let's go." Harry said and gave Y•N her books.

Y•N was excited for defense against the dark arts, The little time she spent with Professor Lupin, she already knew was gonna be a great teacher.

All students gathered As they looked at a big closet standing in front of them, The desks were gone just them and the empty classroom.

Y•N looked at Harry who was standing next to her and Smiled.

Y•N looked at the closet that started to shake.

"Intriguing isn't it? Would anyone like to enter a guess as if what is inside.

"That's a boggart Professor." Dean Thomas from Gryffindor said.

"Correct Mr Thomas, now can anyone tell me what a boggart looks like."
He continued.

"No one knows." Hermione said.
"When did she get here?" Ron asked as both Harry, Ron and Y•N turned.

"Boggarts are shape shifting they take shape of whatever a particular person fears the most that's what makes it so-" Hermione was cut of.

"So terrifying, yes luckily a very simple charm is used to repel the boggart." The Professor said.

"Now without wands please,After me Riddikulus!" The professor said.

"Riddikulus." Everyone said.

"Very good a little louder." He said again, before the Boggart shaked again.

"Louder and clear, Riddikulus!" The Professor said again. "Riddikulus!" Everyone said again.

"This class is ridiculous." Draco said to his friends. Y•N patted his scratched arm and smiled. "You filthy mud-" Draco was about to say but was cut off.

"Is there a problem Mr.Malfoy?" The Professor asked Draco. "No sir." Draco said as he rolled his eyes.

The Professor kept talking, as well as Neville who did an example, however Y•N's mind was in somewhere else.

"Everyone form a line!" The Professor said as he played a song in a record player.

Draco pushed Y•N and Harry to the front. "You little-" Y•N was about to say before Harry took her arm.

Ron,And One of the Patil sisters went before it was Y•N's turn. She walked forward and grinned. The spider in rollerskates turned into a black smoke, before she saw 3 shadows, of 3 people. She looked as she saw a scream. "IF YOU DONT I WILL." Then a green flash covered the whole things. Y•N looked at The Professor who waiting for her to do the charm.

She looked at everyone at the line who was also Waiting for her to do the charm. She heard screams painful screams. " I can't." Y•N said and walked to the back.

How could this be her fear if she didn't even know what it meant. Maybe her fear was not knowing what the screams meant.

"You okay Y•N?" Hermione asked her. "Not sure." She responded as she took of her robes and put them on her arm feeling overwhelmed.

She looked at Harry who looked excited to see. She saw a dementor come up to him, Before the Professor stepped in and the imagine of the dementor turned into a full moon.

"A full moon." Hermione told herself. "Huh?" Y•N questioned. "Oh nothing." Hermione responsed.

"That was all for today thank you class." The Professor said. Many students groaned but Y•N walked away.

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