Year 3•2

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Two Days in the leaky cauldron had passed, meaning there was one day left for hogwarts. She called her mom through a phone to ask her how her vacation was going. "How's texas?" "Boring." Her mom responded. Despite it only being her and Flora it had been fun and peaceful.

"Flora we should go get a butter bear" Y/N pet her lap do Flora can run towards it.  She knew She didn't understand her, but it made her feel less lonelier.

Y/N walked out her room with Flora In her hands, Just as a Housekeeper was walking in."Be careful, there's a book who has been trying to eat me the past days." Y/N warned as she continued to walk.

She pet Flora before pushing into someone. "Oh crap!" Y/N yelled nearly falling before gaining her balance back. She looked up to see who she ran into as she saw the familiar guy with glasses and a lightning bolt scar.

"Oh, hey Y/N. Sorry I didn't see you." Harry apologized, grabbing Y/N's wrists to pull her up quicker. "Oh hey Harry!" She greeted smiling. Both of them stayed quiet, an awkward silence until Y/N blurted out. "Well I'm gonna get a butter-bear with Flora wanna come?" Y/N asked picking up Flora with her arms..

"Sure." Harry responded and walked with Y/N downstairs.
The leaky cauldron looked lonely, there was hardly people, but Y/N liked it. It made her feel more comfortable. Y/N sat down in a table from the side, Flora On her lap as Harry took the seat next to her.

"2 butter-bears please?" Y•N asked the waitress who came up to them. "Don't worry I'll pay." Y•N told Harry and gave a small smile.

Harry smiled back, and moved his hair.

Harry looked a lot different from the 2 previous years, He had gotten taller and his hair had changed, it looked messier, but Y•N liked it.

"Here." The woman said as she placed the 2 butter-bears in front of them.

Y•N nor Harry Took a sip from theirs yet.

Y•N felt nervous so she asked the weirdest question she could ask. "So What happened with the chamber last year?"Y•N asked as she raised an eyebrow. She had gotten petrified and was healed In the end of hogwarts meaning she didn't know about what had happened. "Well it's a lot." Harry said and gave a small smile.

"Yeah, I was petrified, so I didn't really get to know what was going on." Y•N said and gave a small laugh.

"Y•N your amazing, It must have been weird being petrified." Harry told her.

Y•N blushed. "I really didn't feel anything, I just remember seeing 2 bright yellow eyes and all went black." Y•N simply said.

She grabbed her butter bear and took a sip, Getting foam on her upper lip, she didn't notice till she looked at Harry.

"Here." Harry said, he reached his hand on her upper lip, he removed the foam then wiped his finger on a napkin.

She looked at Harry, both making eye-contact. Harry leaned in as well as Y•N.

"Harry!" Y•N heard a familiar voice. They both pulled away, and acted like nothing had happened.

"Oh hi Hermione." Harry said as she stood up. He hugged hermione as well as Ron who was next to her.

"Hi Y•N!" Hermione waved to Y•N.
Y•N stood up and hugged her first friend.

Y•N waved to Ron, as well as the Weasleys who came inside.

Hermione and Ron sat across Y•N and Harry. Y•N really didn't hear the conversation they were having, all she knew Ron was talking about a trip he took.

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