YEAR 1 • 3

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The next few days were rather odd, Y/N's parents didn't exactly know how to manage with a witch in their family. They wondered how they were going to explain to their family friends where Y/N was gonna go if she did end up going to hogwarts, she wasn't gonna be living in her house for months, and she had to explain where she was. They came up with the easiest answer. Boarding school. The Avaline's daughter was going to boarding school due to misbehavior.

"Y/N hurry up!" Mrs. Avaline called. Y/N raced downstairs grabbing her bag that was hanged in the side of the wall. "Mother what if this dragon place isn't real ,and she was pranking us?" Y/N asked in hope that this was hogwarts thing was all a fever dream. "We don't know Y/N but, it's worth a try." Her mother responded as she took her hand "Love, are you ready?" Mrs.Avaline asked husband father. "Yes Dear, Let's go." They walked out of their house and walked to the abandoned cafe that was almost a block far from the Avaline's home.

Y/N looked at the abandoned black cafe, that was dark and painted in black in every corner. As they got close, Y/N watched as the letters on the sign changed to show the text and sign as 'The Leaky Cauldron."

They walked in. Opening the door to reveal a large amount of people, all seated and eating a meal. "What's the letter say?" Mrs.Avaline asked, Mr.Avaline grabbed the letter that he had folded in his pocket, opening it as he read the steps. He walked towards a brick wall, "it says to do this pattern on the wall." Mr.Avaline looked at the letter then at the wall.  Y/N watched as her father raised his hand, and moved it in different directions. Then the bricks on the wall moved from their spot to an outer space opening a passage way which revealed a full small indoor kind off mall. Many's stores lined up in both sides, with many children and adults going in different directions.

Her mother gasped knowing, this is where the people with cloaks were headed to. They stood still for second until Mr.Avaline said "Well,the paper says that you Y/N dear, should go to Ollivanders which is right here." Her father pointed to a black store with the name (Ollivanders) written in gold.  "Sweetheart can you stay in there, while me and your father go and get some money from the bank?"Mrs.Avaline asked.

"Yes mother" Y/N nodded, She walked towards the store, in a sense, she was scared. If anything people might treat her different, especially since she doesn't know much She walked in still very nervous of what she can find, The building looked old and rusty, You can tell many People had gone here.

Inside was a Front Desk With the back with boxes, all over the shelf's. In the corner was a Girl who looked about Y/N's age, With brunette bushy hair With a White skirt and a grey sweater. She can tell she was non-magical like herself, knowing she had the dentist office near her house's Logo on her sweater.

Y/N sat next to her since it was the only seat left, She crossed her legs and started imagining how the school would like, "does it look like a palace?", "Does it look old and rusty?" She continued thinking about that then suddenly felt a tap on her shoulder, "Excuse me, Sorry to disturb. I was just wondering if you have read Hogwarts A; History?" The girl with bushy hair asked Y/N.

Y/N can already tell she was one of those type of girls, but her friend back home who she was closest to was one too, so it might be beneficial to make a friend. "No I haven't, sorry." Y/N responded.

"Oh are you a Pure-Blood? You must know everything about Hogwarts." The girl asked her. "No I'm sorry, I just don't like reading." Y/N responded lying, she liked reading not loved but didn't dislike the idea of reading a book. The girl with bushy hair looked the other way then at her, "Are you a Muggle-Born?"The girl whispered to Y/N's ear.

"I'm sorry I don't know what that means." Y/N responded not knowing if it was an insult. "Oh so you are, Well a Muggle born is someone non-magical like me. I'm Hermione Granger, You?" The girl asked Y/N.

"I'm Y/N Avaline" Y/N answered, "Wow your an Avaline? My parents have talked to me about your parents company, they really like it." The girl answered.

"Next person" The Old man in the front desk called. Hermione stood up and got her bags "See you at Hogwarts Y/N!" The girl called out and went to the desk where she got her wand, and Y/N followed after.

After 40 minutes, Y/N got her wand it was a Unicorn Hair wand and was Flexible as the Man told her, Her parents had picked her up and payed for the wand as well.

Y/N was looking at her letter seeing everything She needed Books, Robes, and many more things. "Mother where are we gonna find everything else?"Y/N asked Mrs.Avaline who then looked at her. "We got your robes sweetheart, And books as well. Me and you father are very proud of you for getting into such a special school, So we were wondering if you wanted a Cat?" Mrs.Avaline asked her.

Y/N got so happy, knowing she at least had someone alive who she could talk to. "Of course, Thank you so much!" Y•N told her mother and hugged her waist tightly. "By the Map the Animal store is right here." Mr.Avaline pointed at a store it was smaller then Ollivanders, But had prettier colors. The Avalines had walked in, Inside was A Woman with ginger hair, and Round glasses Who was also petting a cat.

"Hello and welcome to my shop, can I offer you folks anything?" She looked at Mr.Avaline then at Y/N. "Hi ma'am, My daughter is starting her first year at Hogwarts. And we want her to take a cat with her?" Mr.Avaline asked the woman who then looked at Y/N. "What type of cat do you want dear?" The woman asked Y/N, "I was wondering if there's a snow or grey cat?" Y/N asked looking at the floor. "Lucky for you darling we got mixed! Is this fine?" She carried a cat onto her desk it was small and Y/N was sure she could be able to hold it in her book bag. Mr.Avaline looked at Y/N trying to get her approval of the Cat. Y/N nodded with a smile on her face, "we will take it." Mr.Avaline told the woman. "Oh great! " she went in front of her desk and handed Y/N a cage as well as the cat inside.Y/N held it up high looking at its emerald eyes.

"I'll name you Flora." Y/N told the cat as it was standing in the cage Looking rather confused.

The Avalines then got home, Y/N was rather excited for this school. Knowing tomorrow she will be there, and meet new people. She looked at Flora who was laying in her lap. "Goodnight Flora we have a huge day tomorrow, good or bad. It's big."

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