Year 3•1

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"Sweetheart just pick!" Y/N heard her Mom yell. "Coming!" Y/N yelled. Her parents couldn't take her to the Kings cross for Hogwarts, so Y/N and her parents agreed to let her stay at a Wizarding hotel also known as the Leaky cauldron for a little bit.

Y/N looked a lot different from her previous years, she had gotten curvier, and her hair had grown longer, but with all good things came flaws. She had started to get acne which irritated her a lot.  Y/N was gonna be in the hotel alone, but all she cared about was going to hogwarts and enjoying her year.

She decided to wear a grey fuzzy sweater with A white lace top under it. Along with some jeans and converse. She grabbed her trunk as well as her wand,  Flora was downstairs in her cage ready for Y/N to grab.

She walked downstairs, Her mother waiting for her as usual.
She smiled seeing her daughter. "Ready?" Her mom asked. "Ready." Y/N responded and putting a smile on her face.
The Leaky Cauldron wasn't very far, It took about 4 minutes to get there by walking. Who knew how lucky we were to live next to it.

She walked to the cafe and immediately the black sign which was black, turned into the Leaky Cauldron. It sensed her Magic ability as she approached it. Y/N sat in the couch, petting Flora while she waiting for her Mom to sign her in.

She remembered the Leaky cauldron, exactly like Year 1. Big, and scary. However she was older now, so it was time to suck it up. I've literally witnessed a basilisks eyes, why would a dark hotel scare me?

"Here." Her mother smiled as she gave Y/N 300 pounds.
Y/N nodded and thanked her mom. Her mom gave her a huge hug, as she kissed her forehead. "Write Y/N, please." She whispered. "Always." Y/N responded. She waved goodbye as her mom exited the hotel.

A tall man approached Y/N. "May I show you to your room?" He asked, "yes please." She responded and followed him.Her room wasn't the best but she loved it.

She put Flora on her Bed, as she sat next to her and stretched her arms. "Enough of sitting! Time to Go to Diagon alley!" She said talking to Flora.She grabbed the letter from her Trunk that she had received a week before.
She gave Flora a last hug before walking out of her room.

Y/N still memorized the movement from her wand from when she first went to Diagon Alley. Diagon alley was beautiful, Not like Stores in London but definitely her favorite. She first went to Gringotts to transfer the money into Wizarding money.

She walked to The book shop, She had to get about 6 books overall which were pricey but useful. She had signed up for Defense Against the Dark Arts, History of Magic, Care of Magical creatures, Divination, potions, charms and transfiguration.She was ready for this year and very excited. She also wondered who would be her defense against the dark arts teacher.

After spending a lot of her money she had change, and decided to go to a candy store where she bought 3 Chocolate frogs, and her favorite Pumpkin juice. She walked back to the Leaky cauldron, bags in hand as she searched for her hotel keys. She secretly hoped to see anyone from hogwarts, but she wasn't mad that she didn't.

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