year 3•6

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         "Aw how cute 2 Mud-Bloods and discoveries!

"Permission please?" Professor McGonogall said as she came around third years and up, to pick of permission sheets for Hogsmeade .

Y•N handed her permission and smiled then ate her green apple. "You going Pans to hogmeade?"  Y•N asked Pansy.

"No, I got detention with Professor Flitwick for completely rubbish." Pansy responded and slammed her head on the table.

"Oh crap." Y•N said, who was she gonna to hogsmeade with then. Y•N stood up and walked over to the Gryffindor table. "Hi Hermione,Hi Ron." Y•N said as she took the opposite seat.

"Hi Y•N what's the bummed face?" Hermione asked as she put the daily prophet down. "Pansy can't come to hogsmeade today. " Y•N said as she braided her hair. "Come with us then!" Hermione said and smiled. "I'm not sure I might just stay." She responded.

"Don't come on it will be fun!" Ron said as he ate a chicken leg. "Okay I'll go then." Y•N responded and gave a small smile.

"Students line up outside for Hogsmeade!" Professor McGonogall said as she rolled a parchment. Y•N, Hermione and Ron stood up and walked towards the line.

She saw Draco in the corner of her eye but didn't bother to say hello.

It took about 15 minutes to walk towards Hogsmeade it wasent long.

Hermione suggested they had to go to Honeydukes first, so they followed.

"Look my parents will love these! They love anything with random flavors!" Y•N said as she showed Hermione the Bertie Boots. "Nice! I'm getting my parents sherbet lemons!" Hermione said and grabbed the box

"Aww how cute,2 mud bloods and discoveries!" Draco said as he put his hands on his cheeks. Goyle and Blaise started to laugh, and grabbed Dracos shoulder.

"Aww how cute, the boy who got attacked by a little bird!" Y•N responded mocking dracos voice.

Draco rolled his eyes and walked out of the store.

Hermione,Ron and Y•N had visited other stores, but Y•N didn't buy anything other then what she got for her parents.

Everyone in the castle was talking to their friends, of what they got and many more.

Y•N sat next to Hermione while she was talking to Harry.

Hello Mom, Hogwarts has been going very great actually.
I've learned new charms, and I've even seen my worst fear from a thing called a boggart.
I went to hogsmeade and got you and dad these Bertie bot beans. It's basically jelly beans from home, but with a fun twist.
Write back and tell me if you like them!

Love Y•N.

"Harry is it okay if I use your owl?" Y•N asked as she folded her letter and put a wax seal on top. "Yes of course." Harry responded and gave a small smile.
She headed towards to Hedwig and gave her letter.

"London Melville 7756, take your time."Y•N said as she handed the letter, she gave him a raspberry that was on the table before he flew away. She waved and made her way to sit with Hermione.

"This weekend went to quick I'm going to sleep, bye everyone." Y•N said as she waved and walked away.

She was tired and just wanted to fall asleep.

Y•N woke up the next morning feeling very light-headed, She woke up late so she had about 20 minutes to get ready.

She wore her too, with her tie, as well as her robe and skirt. She put on a headband, since it was the quickest thing she could do.

She ran towards Defense against the dark arts, she liked Professor Lupin, she hoped he wouldn't give detention or anything.

"Sorry Professor Lupin-" Y•N said before she saw Professor Lupin was nowhere to be seen. "Great Avaline For you to join us, 5 points from Slytherin." Professor Snape said as he turned on a projection. "Sit next to Potter." He continued. Y•N walked towards Harry, who looked at her.

"What happened?" He whispered. "I woke up late." Y•N replied as she slammed her head against the desk.

"Turn to page 394." Professor snape told everyone. Y•N looked at Ron who was slowly turning his pages, before Professor snape through a charm.

"Werewolves?" Ron asked as he took a look at his book.

"But sir we just began learning about red caps and hinkypunks." Hermione asked as she looked at Professor Snape.

"We weren't supposed to start these in weeks." She continued.

"Oh yeah?" Professor snape gave hermione a look.

"Which one of you could tell me the difference between an animagous and werewolf." Professor snape asked as he looked at the students.

Y•N and Hermione raised their hands, Y•N learned about werewolves while she was reading in her second year. "Avaline?" He asked.

"Sir, An animagous is a wizard who has a choice to turn into an animal,but werewolves have no choice." Y•N answered.

"When a werewolf transform he forgets about his identity, He only responds to a call of his own kind." Y•N continued.

"Awoo!" Draco howled as Crabbe laughed.

"Thank you Mr.Malfoy." Professor snape said as Y•N rolled her eyes.

Y•N looked at Draco who sent a note to Harry.

"As an antidote to your ingorence. By my desk Monday morning two rolls of parchment on my desk on werewolves." Professor snape tasked everyone.

Everyone groaned As they hardly knew anything about werewolves yet.

"But sir it's quidditch tomorrow." Harry plead. "I suggest you take extra care Mr.Potter." Professor Snape replied not caring.

He walked away before Harry pulled the note out again and opened it, Harry looked it at it before looking at Malfoy.

"May I?" Y•N asked but didn't care what the answer was, she grabbed the note and looked. It was a drawing of Harry on his broom getting electrocuted in a match. Y•N cut the note in pieces before Putting them in Dracos desk.

"You little mud-blood." Draco insulted her as he looked at crabbe.

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