Year 7•2

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"Y/N wake up." She heard a soft voice trying to take her up. "Who is this." Y/N asked groaning as she took of her blanket.'"Ginny of course, here mother told me to bring you breakfast." Ginny said placing a candle in the bedside table as well as placing a plate with food.

"Thank you Ginny." Y/N said rubbing her eyes. "No problem princess." Ginny joked, laughing at the end. Y•N stood up and ate her breakfast.  She had gotten a dark red, sleeveless dress.

She heard a knock on the door. "Come in." Y/N said looking at the mirror to see her appearance. "The minister of magic wants to see us." Hermione spoke before walking out. Y/N could tell that Hermione was nervous to come up to her, that was the first word Hermione spoke to her since her fifth year.

She nodded as she placed the dress on the bed.nShe walked to the living room to see Harry, Ron and Hermione seated in the couch. She took a seat in the single couch next to them.

"To what do we owe the pleasure minister?" Harry asked. "I think we both know the answer to that question Mr.Potter." The minister said taking a seat to the opposite of them.

He placed a brown bag in the table. "This is?" Harry asked.

The minister pulled out a letter as it floated to the side.

"Here this is, the last will and testament of Albus Persivel Alfred Dumbledore." He began. "First to Ronald Billius Weasley, I leave my deluminator. Device of my own making, for when things seem most dark, it will show him the light." The minister passed a item covered in a cloth.n"He left this for me?" Ron asked as he took the cloth of the item. "Yeah." The minister replied. He took out an item that looked like a lighter from home.  "Brilliant." Ron said.

"What is it?" Ron asked. He opened the item as a light from a lamp,  was brought to the item.  He closed it then opened it again. "Wicked." Ron said.

"To Hermione Jean Granger, I leave my copy of the tales of beedle the bard, in the hope she finds it entertaining,and instructive." The minister said as he passed Hermione a book. The book looked old, and odd.  "Mum used to read me those, wizard in the pot, rabbity tappity?" Ron asked smiling.

"To Y/N Marie Avaline, I leave a book that I hope will lead more to your secrets and family. I hope you tell Ms.Granger and Mr.Weasley About your secret, I also gave you a necklace of the last Hephaestus Ancestor." The minister said. He passed her a book along with a necklace on top.

She looked at the book it was titled "Hephaestus and gods." It had over 300 pages. The necklace was thread and had a charm with a ruby. "Thank you." Y/N said looking at the necklace.  It was beautiful and looked Old.!"For Harry James Potter, I leave the first snitch he caught In his first quidditch match in Hogwarts so it reminds him of the awards."  The minister passed Harry a golden snitch. Harry looked at it confusingly.   "Is that it?" Harry asked.

"Not quite, Dumbledore left you a second item,  the sword of Goodrich Gryffindor. Unfortunately the sword of Gryffindor is not Dumbledore's to give away. As in important historical artifact, it belongs to-"  He said before being cut off. "To Harry, it belongs to Harry, it came to him when he most needed it in the chamber of secrets." Hermione said. "The sword may present itself to any worthy Gryffindor Ms.Granger it does make it That persons property." He said. "In common events there are no common where abouts of the sword are unknown." He said before being cut of. "Excuse me?" Harry asked uncertain.

"I don't know what your up to Mr.Potter but you can't fight this war in your own." The minister said. "He's to strong." He continued. She looked at the floor as she stood up along with the minister. She wanted to know what the book meant, with her powers.

"Y /N are you gonna forget to tell us?" Hermione asked standing up. "Or are you going to pretend you never heard that Dumbledore wanted you to tell us." Hermione continued before Y/N turned.

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