Year 2•7

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A few days had passed, It took harry 1 day to recover, and got his bones back like new. It's crazy how things get resolved in the wizarding world so fast.Attacks had increased, but still no deaths to everyone's relief. However, All attacks were on Muggleborns which gained Y/N her fear again.

"Have you heard Collin got attacked?" Pansy asked Y/N. "Yes I heard, I feel bad for him, this is barley his first year." Y/N responded as she bit her oatmeal cookie.

"Mail is here!" Pansy cheered as all owls came in with packages and letters.  A letter had dropped in Y/N'a plate of oatmeal's cookies but she didn't care when she saw her parents finally wrote. It was a white letter with a golden Stamp that she recognized immediately.

Hello Sweetheart, Sorry it took us long to write! Me and your father had been very busy experiencing a new product, but enough of us how are you? We miss you a lot. We hope your learning a lot, Write back and tell us all!

Love Mom.

Y/N got a piece of paper as she started to write about her adventures.

Hello Mom and Dad! I'm so happy you guys finally wrote! Hogwarts has been fine, of course a few magical problems, but other than that it's been great! I hope your product goes well!

With Much Love Y/N.

Y/N folded the paper and placed it in her bag to deliver it later. "I have detention with Professor McGonogall, Bye Y/N!" Pansy exclaimed As she waved to Y/N.

Y/N waved back and made her way to the Gryffindor table.
"Hi Hermione, where's Harry and Ron?" Y/N asked as she sat at the opposite side Hermione was. "Not sure, I'm actually planning on going to the library, wanna come?" Hermione asked Y/N as she dropped her fork next to the plate.

Y/N took a little seconds to think, but remembered she wanted to study of how she can speak to snakes. "Yeah sure!" Y/N responded. "Great let's go!" Hermione exclaimed as she grabbed her parchment as both girls walked to the library.

"I got permission to see the Restricted section, so you can find whatever your looking for and I'll find mine." Hermione said and smiled.  Y/N grabbed 2 books, the first an animal books and languages and and the second being family blood lines. She sat down in a desk next to Hermione and got ink to write in a parchment.

"So how's Harry?" Y/N asked as she dipped her pen into the ink.

"He's good, I think he likes you he talks about you a lot." Hermione responded as she turned her page in the book.
Y/N blushed and kept reading, was it still childish to have a crush.

"Look Y/N." Hermione showed her friend a paragraph . Y/N read the paragraph slowly. "So you think the creature is a basalisk?" Y/N asked as she raised her eyebrow. "Yes it has to be and look." She showed her another paragraph signifying the creature went through the pipes. "So you think it goes through the pipes?" Y/N asked. "It has to be I have to tell Harry and Ron about it." Hermione said as she put down the book, she wrote it on a piece of paper. Hermione was extremely smart, how was she able to find all these things.

She reached to her book bag. "Look!" Hermione handed Y/N a piece of glass from a mirror. "What's this?" Y/N asked holding the glass. "It's a piece of a mirror I found in the grass earlier, looked pretty." Hermione spoke as she put a mirror to see her hair. Y/N nodded agreeing and put the Piece of glass against her face, she saw 2 bright yellow Eyes as everything went black

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