Year 3•8

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"I can't believe Sirius Black still hasn't been found."  Pansy complained as she read the daily prophet.

"That's rubbish." Draco said as he and Blaise came out of the boys dormitory.

"And where are you two going?" Y•N asked as she stood up and crossed her arms.

"Non of your business Mud-Blood." Blaise said.

"Wait, let's not be rude Blaise, Where gonna go watch That giant bird of Hagrid get sentenced to death." Draco said then have a small laugh.

"Your joking right." Y•N asked and lowered her eyebrows.

"No, That bird will learn what it feels like to be hurt." Draco grinned.

"It was a little scratch Malfoy, First years could deal with it better." Y•N told him and gave a smirk.

"Well mud-blood, You can't stop that thing will be dead by midnight." Draco laughed.

Y•N pulled out her wand before pointing it at him. "Mrs.Avaline." Y•N heard Professor Snapes voice before lowering her wand. "Detention." He told her and exited the common room.

"Go to detention Y•N." Blaise told her and grabbed Draco's arm and exited the common room.

"Well that's rough." Pansy said before putting the phropet down.

"Whatever." Y•N grabbed her book bag and exited the common room.

"Today is buckbeaks Sentence, and I can't even do nothing to stop it." Y•N told herself as she went to Snapes

She entered the classroom to see Professor Snape Making a potion.

"Mrs Avaline, Sit down." He assigned her.

Y•N pulled a chair from the table and sat down.

He grabbed a plate and put it in front of her.

"You learned these materials in yesterday's class, assign them in the bags." He continued.

She nodded before grabbing a bag, she separated The different materials.

An hour passed, She was almost done which relieved her.

"Professor!" Blaise ran in Holding Draco. "What happend Mr.Zabini." Snape asked as he put a parchment down.

"Granger slapped Malfoy." Blaise said. Y•N rolled her eyes as Draco was being sarcastic over something small.

"Take him to the Hospital wing." Snape assigned. "I have Detention with Professor McGonogall." Blaise said.
"Avaline your dismissed, take Malfoy to the hospital wing." Snape continued.

"Professor Id rather stay here doing this." Y•N said sarcastically.

"I didn't question you." Snape demanded. Y•N stood up and grabbed Draco's arm.

"Aww avaline,you wanted to take me Didnt you?" Draco asked and gave a smirk.

"Draco I'd rather get a dementor suck out my soul then take you." Y•N replied and rolled her eyes.

"What happened Ms.Avaline and Mr.Malfoy?" Madame Pomfrey asked.
"Draco got slapped in the face." Y•N answered and looked at Draco. "Oh dear, I'll get him some ice stay here for a second." She answered and walked to her closet.

"Here you go." She said and handed Draco a ice wrapped in parchment.
"Thank you Madame." Draco said.

"You two can leave." She continued. Draco left right after, Y•N smiled before walking out. "Actually Y•N dear can you grab the parchments from that closet quickly." She told her. "Of course." Y•N replied and looked in the closet.

At the moment, Harry,Hermione and Ron came in including Professor Dumbledore.

Y•N gave small smile, She knew something was wrong but didn't wanna ask since Dumbledore was there.

Once he walked out Y•N turned around. "What happened?" She asked. "Can't explain it right now, Wait a second." Hermione replied before pulling a gold necklace from inside her jacket.
She grabbed the necklace, then grabbed a lever on the necklace before turning it.

Both Hermione and Harry disappeared, but after a second Hermione and Harry walked in from the door.

"How did you get there when you were just there?" Ron asked as he was in a bed. "Right." Y•N agreed.

"What are they talking about Harry?" Hermione asked.

"I don't know, honestly Ron how could you be in 2 places at the same time." Harry replied then laughed.

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