•19 years later•

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(Changed the POV for 19 years later.)

I held my daughter, her head resting on my shoulder, while my hands were wrapped around her back. I turned to the right, catching the eye of my husband. Who smiled.

All the hogwarts students were going back today for their new year, I looked to the front seeing my kids, 2 of which were excited for their new year. My first son James who resembled a lot like his father, dark hair and green eyes.
In back of him, our second son Albus with my hair color and green eyes. They truly stole the eyes of their dad.

His body language looked nervous, but I didn't blame him. First time coming to hogwarts for me was nerve-wracking as well, and I didn't expect it to be different. I felt fingers touch my hand as I lowered my head to my daughter Lily. With my hair color, I scrunched my nose as I blew a kiss. She smiled as James ran through the wall for his second year. He was sorted into Gryffindor, no surprise there.

Albus walked before stopping his tracks as Harry walked to touch his shoulder. "Together?" I heard Harry's voice as Albus nodded before they ran together through the wall.

I got ready to cross before I heard one of my many names. "Mom." I heard Lily's voice as i turned my head. "When will Padme go to hogwarts?" Lily asked as she touched her brown hair. I smiled, Padme was barley 4 months old. We named her after Padma Patil, after she helped us move into our home. She was the youngest, and our fourth child."In some years dear, but you have to wait one year." I replied as Lily smiled as we ran through the wall.

Harry and Albus walked as we catched up to them. Lily squeezed my hand before lifting her head to the side.

I looked to the side as the sight of Draco and his wife Astoria with their son. I smiled as I realized how Astoria wanted to be with Draco so bad, and it worked out in the end.

I nodded at Lily as we walked towards them.

"Y/N." Astoria explained as she smiled, hugging me. I smiled as I looked at her. "Hello,  Avaline." Draco spoke as I raised my eyebrows as I hugged him as well. "This is Lily." I smiled as this was the first time I had introduced her to them. We never kept contact with the Malfoys, but we weren't enemies.

"She looks like you." Astoria said as I smiled. "My son came out like his dad." Astoria laughed as I looked at their son as I smiled. "I understand, my first son is truly a copy of his dad."  I laughed.

"Who's this one?" Astoria asked looking at my arms."This is Padme, shes barley 4 months old." I laughed looking at Padme, as Lily touched her, wanting to hold her.

I raised my eyebrows as I looked at Lily before she nodded. I smiled as I slowly passed Padme to her hands. Lily treated Padme like a doll that she didn't wanna break.

"You guys are a beautiful family." Astoria complimented as smiled. "Is Padme your last?" Astoria asked. "Harry wants another one, I want to wait at least 2 years before that happens though." I replied as she nodded. "Well everyone, I have to go see my sons and husband nice seeing you both." I waved my hand as they nodded. I placed my hand on Lily's back so we could start walking away.

I walked to where i saw Albus in the floor as Harry tied his shoe. I looked back as I gave a small wave. Part of me still can't figure out how Draco looks like he's had a secret all these years. But if anything, I don't wanna ruin the happiness I built with Harry and the one he manages to build with Astoria. But in the end, nothing could ruin me and Harry's happiness. We've been through everything together.

I caught the side of Hermione and Ron Infront of me as I smiled. Hermione nodded as I approached Albus and Harry quickly.

"Albus Severus Potter, you were named after two head masters of hogwarts. One of them was a Slytherin and he was the bravest man I ever knew." Harry said as he looked at me.

"And your amazing mother was a Slytherin as well." Harry spoke, kissing my forehead as I smiled.

"And if so Slytherin would have gained a wonderful wizard, but listen. If It really means a lot to you, you can choose gryffindor. The sorting hat takes your choice to account." Harry continued.

"Really?" Albus asked.

"Really." Harry replied as Albus stood up as he hugged him.

I walked up to Hermione as I greeted her and Ron then hugged Hugo. I waved to Rose as she walked up to the train.
We always saw Hermione and Ron, the most we could.
I hugged Albus one more time before he followed rose.

I waved at them as I leaned my head to Harry's shoulder as I saw his worried face. "They'll be alright Harry." I replied as I smiled, of how Harry fought for his kids to have a life that was nothing like ours.

He nodded as we waved to the train as it started.

Harry's scar hadn't pained in years as well as I hadn't used my powers in years.

All was well.

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