Year 5•1

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"Sweetheart are you ready?" She heard her dads voice. "Yes I'm getting my trunk." Y/N replied. In reality she wasn't ready at all, hogwarts reminded her of the place she had lost someone who she cared about deeply. She wasn't ready to go back. "Hey come on?" Her father said as he knocked on the door. Now that she knew her father was not actually a muggle, she could talk to him about everything, which relieved her a lot. She was so used to keeping all her hogwarts emotions to herself, and it was nice to have someone to talk to.

"Me and your mom are just gonna drop you of at the headquarters and we will be back by when you enter hogwarts for your fifth year." He told her. Y/N's parents were traveling so they couldn't take her to the train stop this year. They had asked the Weasleys if they could take her and thankfully they said yes. Y/N nodded she looked at her window to see everyone walking, reminded her of when she 10.

Y/N stood up and grabbed her trunk as well as bags. "Okay I'm ready." Y/N spoke, she was telling lies almost every second,but she wanted to keep everything within her. She didn't want to act all depressed and sad when she wanted herself to move on, even though a part of her wouldn't let her.

"The headquarters aren't far, A few minutes and we will be there." Her father told her as he opened the door for Y/N to exit the Avaline's home.

Y/looked at night sky, full of stars yet beautiful. It reminded her of her third year. "This is yours correct?" Her father asked. Y/N turned to see the ring Cedric had gotten her in her fourth year when he asked her to be his girlfriend. "Yes." Y\N replied. She grabbed the ring from her fathers hand as she started rubbing it.

"What am I supposed to do with this." Y/N asked herself. She knew she had to move on, and her parents reminded her throwing away the ring would be a component to her memory, but many things reminded her of him, her Yule ball dress,the chocolate frogs he bought her, and the ring of course.

Her parents decided to burn the dress as a removal to her memory. It hurt her a lot to see it go,but she knew she had to. The chocolate frog her father ate, but the box with his signature had also burned in their fireplace.

"What are you planning to do with it?" Her father asked. "Not sure I know I have to get rid of it, just not sure how." Y/N replied. "Here we are." Her father spoke. Y/N looked up from her car as she realized how close the head quarters actually were.

"Focus on it Y/N." Her father told her. Her father had explained to her that with these powers, she was able to open a magical area without a wand. All she needed was her mind and hands. She held her hands up as she closed her eyes, envisioning the building in her mind until it followed the command. After a few seconds, the building had fully opened and the headquarters were now visible to her.

Y/N looked at her father. "Goodbye father." Y/N spoke as she hugged him. "Be good, remember life threatening events only. And do not tell anyone about your powers without my permission." He replied and kissed her on the head.

Y/N nodded as she left the car and headed towards the headquarters, the doors opened immediately and she heard the chatter as she walked closer to another door. "Y/N!" She heard a voice and turned to see Hermione in her side.

"How are you!" Hermione told her as she hugged her. "Could be better." Y/N responded and gave a fake laugh. "Hello Y/N!" Ron waved at her as she waved back.

"Y/N!" She turned to see Mrs.Weasley. "Hi Mrs.Weasley, sorry to disturb you all." Y/N spoke and gave a laugh. "No problem dear, it's all fine dinner will be done in minutes." Mrs.Weasley said welcoming her.

"Let's go upstairs." Hermione said as she grabbed Y/N's arm.

Y/N had sent Mrs.Weasley and Mr.Weasley a letter asking if she could stay with them while her parents were on a vacation, they had said yes. Only one person knew about her powers and it was Harry. She wanted to keep It a secret as long as possible.

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