Year 7•12

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"Let's go." Hermione said as they ran outside.

She ran as she saw the amount of people fighting as well as giants.

She backed up as a giant aimed to them with a stone.  They ran to the side going under a giant before they reached a corridor.

She looked at a girl being bitten by a werewolf who looked unconscious.

"No!" Hermione shouted.

"Stupefy!" Y•N pointed her wand at the werewolf, she looked at the girl who looked dead as she recognized her as Lavender Brown.

They ran to the entrance as she looked, a lot of dementors coming up to them in seconds.

She looked at Hermione who looked like she was struggling to preform a patronus.

She watched as a patronus went guarding the dementors out of the castle in the last second.

She turned to see Aberforth, she smiled as they continued running.

They reached the docks as they went into  the room.

They went into the opposite of the room as they hid under a box as she caught a glimpse of Voldemort and Snape.

"No,no I am exploitenary." Voldemort said coming up to Snape with his snake.

"There is not a wand more powerful, tonight when the boy comes it will not fail you." Snape replied.

"It answers to you, and you only." Snape continued.

"Does it?" Voldemort asked.

"My lord." Snape asked

"The wand does it truly answer to me, your a clever man Severus. Surely you must know, where does it's true loyalty lie?" Voldemort asked as he circled around him.

"With you, of course my lord." Snape replied.

"The wand cannot serve me properly because, I am not it's true master. The elder wand belongs to the wizard who killed its last owner. You killed the last owner, while you live the elder wand cannot truly be mine." Voldemort said.

"You've been a good and faithful servant Severus, but only I can live." Voldemort said.

"Forever." Voldemort continued.

"My lord." Snape said before being cut of. She looked as Voldemort made a harsh cut on snape's neck causing him to collapse.

Harry grabbed her hand holding it harder as he fell on the wall.

"Nagini kill." Voldemort assigned. Nagini attacked Snape three times causing Y•N to shrug her eyes.

She watched as they left as Harry slowly stood up.

They followed him into the room as they saw Snape in the wall.

Harry went up to Snape putting his hand on his neck. "Y•N can you do anything?" Harry asked as Y•N approached him.

She placed his hand on his neck, but all she could feel is that nothing worked ,he was dying the cut was to opened and to much blood had been spilled.

She looked at Harry shaking her head. "It's to weak." Y•N said pulling away her hand.

She looked at Snape as tears started to fall from his eyes.

"Take them, take them. Take them please." Snape said.

"Give me something, quickly a flask anything!" Harry cried.

Hermione looked through her bag as she handed Harry a glass flask.

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