YEAR 1 • 1

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If I could write.

Y/N wrote on her red diary as she stared outside her window. Each day was the same. People walking, no emotion, and no way out of the world. London is seen as one of the most prettiest cities in Europe, but in reality the only thing pretty about it, is that queen was discovered here.

She got up and went to her Marble desk, where her Homework was laying down waiting to be Done.

She groaned as she looked for a wooden pencil on her case. She only found one and it was unsharpened, "And my day just got worse." She threw the Pencil to her bed, and started at it. How could it be that the only pencil in her case was unsharpened.

She watched as the pencil levitated from her bed and started floating on the way to her desk. "I'm imagining this" She  wiped her eyes in hope it was her imagination,She saw the pencil right in her eyes still floating on its way to the desk, The pencil fell right in the desk in top of her piece of her Parchment.

She walked towards her desk scared someone was pulling a joke on her, And saw it right in the parchment looking good as new and ready to use. In fear, She ran downstairs, To where her parents were drinking tea and watching the news.

"This has to be a joke someone is pulling." Mrs.Avaline said As she drank her tea.  Y/N in relief sighed "I know right!"
Her Mother looked at her in confusion "You've seen the people in cloaks too?" Her mother asked.

"People in cloaks, No I was talking about-" Y/N said but was cut off. "This town has became a shame now" Mr.Avaline said, "agreed (your dads name), it really has became an embarrassment." Y/N's mother spoke walking over to her husband.

"What's happening Mother?" Y/N asked, as her mom turned to face her. "Theres been people in cloaks sweetheart, there not in style which makes no sense." Her mother responded. Y/N  sighed as she went to the window to see what her parents were talking about. There were people nearly running to a near cafe super eager and some excited.

"Dad what really happened to the Cafe?" Y/N asked. There had been this Cafe near her house but it wasn't relevant, it was all black and the windows were covered, there was no sign and the door was sealed. "Sweetheart I've told you the owner passed away and their kids didn't want it." Mr.Avaline said, as he read his newspaper. Y/N nodded, why could people be going to an abandoned cafe. She sighed walking to her moms side was turning on the television.

"Mother?" Y/N asked, as her mother turned to face her. "Have you seen weird things lately?" She asked."Other than that Sweetheart everything has been normal," her mother responded as she stood up and looked at the time."Honey it's 9 You should be going to bed. You have your French class  tomorrow, Have you done your homework?" Her mother asked.

"Yes mother" Y/N lied knowing she would've gotten in trouble."Okay great get ready for bed." Mrs.Avaline said as she walked away.

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