Year 6•1

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ʜᴇʟʟᴏ ʏ/ɴ! ᴍᴇ ᴀɴᴅ ɢᴇᴏʀɢᴇ ᴀʀᴇ ᴏᴘᴇɴɪɴɢ ᴊᴏᴋᴇ ꜱʜᴏᴘ ɪɴ ᴅɪᴀɢᴏɴ ᴀʟʟᴇʏ! ᴏᴜʀ ᴏᴘᴇɴɪɴɢ ɪ ɪɴ ᴛᴡᴏ ᴅᴀʏ, ʜᴏᴘᴇ ʏᴏᴜ ᴄᴀɴ ᴍᴀᴋᴇ ɪᴛ!—

Fred and George.

She closed the letter and put it on her shelf. That was the only letter she had gotten the whole summer, none from Hermione, Ron and Harry. After her break-up with Harry, it seemed she lost connection to the people who she truly loved for five years. She had no one anymore, no one at all. she was basically just sitting in her window watching the days go by.

"Y/N, you have a letter from The initials, DM." Mr.Avaline said placing the letter on her desk. "Thank you father." Y•N said as she walked to grab the letter. She looked at the silver wax seal with the letter "M" on it. She opened it and took the letter out.

Greetings Y•N, I'm sorry I haven't written. Me and my mom have been talking about something. Ever since my father got into Azkaban.

She knew the reason his father was in Azkaban was due to the battle of the department of mysteries that happened last year, where Voldemort was finally revealed to the whole he was back. She sighed as she continued reading.

However I'll be in Diagon Alley this week, receiving something my mom wants. I'll see you in Hogwarts soon. Hope you're doing well, Yours truly, Draco.

She put the letter away as she walked up to her vanity and looked at herself. New year and everything was off already, my hair didn't have the energy it normally did, and I only wore jeans and sweaters now. Even though it was summer.

"Y/N tea time!" Her mother yelled. "Coming mother!"
Y/N shouted. She put her letter in the trash before running out of her room.

She sat down in the brown wooden table in the middle of the kitchen as her mom passed her a cup of tea. Green Tea.
"So are you gonna go?" Her father asked. "To what?" She asked taking a sip from her green tea. "The joke shop!" He told her.

Y/N groaned internally, how could she let her father down in the nicest way possible. "Not sure." Y/N said placing her teacup on the plate. "You should, you can get me some wizard jokes or something." Mr Avaline laughed, it made
Y/N happy to know that he was interested in the wizarding world even though he gave it up for her mom.

"I don't know, it's been weird." Y/N said putting a napkin on her lap. "Sweetheart, you normally love going, you can get your spell books while your at it as well, that way you don't have to go in the most crowded time in a week." Her mom said. Her mother knew Y/N well.

"I'm not sure, I'm not rich." Y/N responded, laughing at the end so it didn't sound rude.  "I'll give you extra so you can spend on anything else." Her dad smile. "I'll go then, But I'll be back soon, I don't want to run into familiar faces." Y/N said as she cleaned her mouth with a napkin.

Y/N looked at her closet, she was sixteen now. As her mom said sixteen is the age the girl has her best years. She doubted it but believed her, since apparently she met her father in that year.

She straightened her hair and put on a red lace long sleeve top and a pair of flared jeans. Definitely different from the years before, but it still held a sense of style from those years and the present.

Lastly she put on her mother's necklace before she walked downstairs. A silver necklace with the inital A in the front.

"I'll be heading out now, goodbye birth givers." Y/N said laughing as she gave a kiss on each of her parents cheeks.
She started walking out of the house, touching the side of her leg to make sure that she was carrying her wand.
"Be careful sweetheart!"  Her mother shouted. "I will!" She shouted back.

She could apparate now, but she didn't wanna risk it yet.  She walked to the leaky cauldron to find diagon alley. "Hello Sir." Y/N waved to the owner inside, who didn't even acknowledge her but let her inside.

She walked over to the brick wall in the side, grabbing her wand from her pockets and signing the answer on the wall. The bricks started to open as she stepped inside.

Immediately she felt the vibe, it looked a lot more depressing, kind of like her. Ollivanders had been basically attacked by death eaters from what the daily prophet said.

"Now where to go first." Y/N wondered to herself.

She walked into the book store that she had always visited. "Hello this will do." Y/N said passing her hogwarts letter. The woman nodded as she raced to her shelf's. She looked at the walls. Now that everyone knew that Voldemort was back, the death eaters had stopped hiding, and instead showed up and attacked anyone in their way.

"Here you go, thirty gallons." The woman said. Y/B passed her the coins before grabbing the books including a new potions one.

"Thank you." Y/N said placing her books in a bag.
The woman  nodded before going into her room.

Y/N continued to walk to see other stores, she debated whether to go to the candy store or the joke shop first. She chose to go the candy store in hopes that it would waste time.

She walked in and grabbed a box of Bertie bot beans, as well as some mints that she needed for school. "Hi this only." Y/N said placing the items on the table. The man nodded. "Eight gallons." The man said. She handed the coins as she grabbed the items and placed them into her bag. Wizard bags really helped, she could fit more then 100 pounds of things into a tiny bag.

She looked at the joke shop. She hoped that while she was in
other stores, anyone who she knew suddenly left.

She looked inside to see the color orange as well as fireworks and many items. "Y/N!" She heard a voice and turned to see Fred. "You scared me Fred." Y/N said giving a fake laugh. "Thank you for coming, Ron or Harry didn't talk about you this summer, we thought that the death eaters got you!" George laughed. Y/N gave a fake laugh as she looked at the floor.

"Well enjoy, you get a thirty percent discount!" Fred said as he snapped his fingers. She nodded as she walked around.
She looked at all the items. She saw many things that she remembered, puking pasties,The hearing ears. She looked at a creature that was in a box.

"These are Pygmy Puffs! Quite cute!" George said as he approached her. "I don't think Sapphire will be happy with another animal." Y/N said then laughed. "Pygmy Puffs are actually really good with cats!" Fred said crossing his arms.

"Then I'll take one." Y/N laughed. "Great!" George shouted.

She smiled and walked around. She grabbed one of the Wizarding bags for her mom, as well as some treats for her father.

She approached a pink part of the store. To see pink jars. The jars were shaped into hearts with golden writing in the front."These are love potions! Put this into anyone's food and they will be head over heels for you!" Fred said as she placed his elbow on the shelf. "Wow." Y/N said as she looked at the jar. Not in a I need this way, but in a how would this work way. "But we hear you've been doing great." George crossed his arms.

"By what?" Y/N asked putting the jar down. Who could they possibly think about, Y/N didn't even know a boy who she talked to. "We hear you've been talking to Draco Malfoy!" Fred winked. "Kind of a downgrade, but still a win." George continued.

She raised her eyebrow. "Don't believe everything you hear." Y/N said and laughed. She looked at the bottom corner of her eye, a guy staring at her from below. With round glasses and a scar on his forehead, who she recognized immediately.

"I'll be leaving now, where do I pay?" Y/N asked grabbing the Pygmy puff, and her parents Items. "Over here." George pointed at a table.

She payed and walked out of the store immediately. "It could've been Ginny,Luna or Neville but it had to be Harry." She told herself.

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