Year 7•13

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"Don't worry." Ginny said comforting her friend. Y/N sighed. Y/N had finally lost hope, this war and Voldemort had taken everything from her. Cedric, her beloved parents and now Harry. She rested her chin on her palm. There were so many fallen students on the grounds, more then half have lost their lives. This whole time, Y/N considered the thought that Harry could be dead right now. It was horrible to think about, but if it were true, she had to continue fighting. Harry and every other fallen student could not die for nothing.

"Someone's coming." Ginny whispered as Y/N opened her eyes. Both girls and everyone alive inside the great hall stood up to leave the castle. They reached the front of hogwarts as they looked forward to see what was approaching. Voldemort and his death eaters slowly approached the castle. Y/N gulped, she really hoped that they were coming to surrender. She flinched her eyes as she caught the sight of Hagrid carrying a body.  "Ginny.." Y/N called, slowly walking forward.

"Who is that." She continued, stopping to observe and locate the person. It couldn't be him. "Harry Potter is dead!" Voldemort shouted. Y/N's heart dropped immediately, she nearly collapsed to the ground, attempting to catch her breathe as Ginny grabbed her arm, helping her friend stand up. Y/N noticed Voldemorts eye contact before he turned to look at Bellatrix. Signaling something to his friend as Bellatrix started to approach Y/N. Bellatrix attempted to grab Y/N's arm before Y/N held a grip on Bellatrix's. She put heat pressure on her bones, heat pressure that was close to the feeling of the crucio spell. Bellatrix cried out of pain as  Voldemort threw a spell at Y/N's hands. 

Y/N looked at her hands, they were chained somehow, and it blocked her from doing anything, grabbing her wand or using her powers. "You girl need to stay quiet." Voldemort spoke to her before looking at two men besides him. The two men walked towards Y/N, attempting to pick her up by her elbows as she tried to fight them off.  The two men were able to grab hold of her as they carried her to the front as she fell on the floor, right in front of Voldemort and his death eaters.

"Poor girl." Voldemort whispered, touching her cheek with his hand.  "Its sad you chose the wrong side. We could've used your talents." He continued, moving the hair on her face behind her ear. "I would never chosen your side." She replied whispering, barley being able to get those words out.

He made a disgusted face. "I could kill you right now and you'd solve three of my problems." He continued. "But I'm not. When we get out of this, we are brain washing you to see the right side." He spoke. "Not even a cat can be brain washed to see your view. Everyone's who fought on the right side does not regret it, even if they're not with us right now. You may believe that you've won but that's not true, there's others who are willing to fight, even with Harry gone." She spoke before Voldemort slapped her so hard that it almost knocked her on the floor.

"Y/N!" Y/N heard Hermione shout.  "Take her to the side."  Voldemort instructed a deatheater as they grabbed her once again, dragging her to the side. "From this moment forward, you put your faith in me." Voldemort said pointing to himself.

She stared at Harry's body. "Harry Potter is dead!" Voldemort shouted looking at his followers who laughed. "And now it is time to declare yourself. Come forward and join us, or die." Voldemort continued. Y/N looked at the people she had grown up with.

"Draco!" She heard a voice. "Draco." The voice continued. She looked at Draco who hesitated to move forward. "Draco come." She heard the voice of Nacrissa Malfoy. Draco hesitated before he decided to walk forward.

"Ah, well done Draco." Voldemort said hugging him. Draco didn't hug him back, he just stood still. After that moment, Y/N turned to look at the crowd of people, seeing Neville take a few steps toward the death eaters. "Neville." She whispered. Out of everyone, she did not expect him.

"Well I must say, I hoped for better." Voldemort spoke, causing most death eaters to laugh. "And who might you be young man?" Voldemort asked. "Neville Longbottom." He replied. She looked at Bellatrix who laughed harder then the other death eaters. Why of course, the woman who had nearly killed Neville's parents.  "Well Neville I'm sure we can find a place for you in our ranks." Voldemort said before being cut of.

"I'd like to say something." Neville spoke. "Well Neville I'm sure we will all be fascinated to hear what you have to say." Voldemort said holding his fist.

"Doesn't matter that Harry's gone." Neville said before being cut of. "Not now Neville." Seamus said. "People die everyday, friends, family yeah. We lost Harry tonight, but he's still with us in here." Neville said pointing at his heart.

Y/N nodded as she looked at the body hagrid was carrying. "So is Fred, Remus ,Tonks, Y/N's parents, all of them." Neville continued causing Y/N to look at the floor. "They didn't die of vein, but you will! Cause your wrong, Harry's hard dipping for us, for all of us, it's not over!" Neville said pulling out the sword. Y/N smiled before the body on Hagrids arms fell.  Suddenly the body stood up, throwing spells at death eaters before running towards Y/N. "Stupefy!" He shot a spell at the death eater who was grabbing her arms. "Immobulus." He shouted pointing at the chains on Y/N's hands. As the chains broke off falling to the ground. Harry grabbed her hand as she stood up before the couple started running the fastest they could.  Kingsley did a spell guarding the school doors before Harry hugged her. "You have to guard the school, and kill the snake!" Harry shouted as he grabbed Y/N's hand.

"Please don't die, one false notice is alright." Y/N said wiping her tears. "I won't, just please don't die as well." Harry replied laughing as Y/N smiled. "Promise me this Y/N." Harry spoke grabbing her hand. "Marry me after this if we survive." He said looking around to make sure Voldemort wasn't going towards them. "Go beat him Potter then we can talk about that." She laughed as he smiled before running away.

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