Year 7•14

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"Have you seen the snake?" Y/N asked Hermione, both girls running upstairs eager to kill the final horcrux. "Not yet, but here." Hermione spoke, hanging Y/N a fang. Y/N nodded as they continued running. It was now her responsibility to kill the snake. She wondered where Harry was, she hated thinking that he might not even be alive right now. All she could do was hope that he was okay.

"It's coming!" Hermione yelled, snapping Y/N back into reality. The snake stood still, waiting for an attack as Hermione threw a rock at its head. Immediately after, the snake slowly towards the girls as they tried reaching a corridor. Ron came behind the snake, holding a fang before the snake noticed and caused Ron to drop the fang. The three of them started running downstairs as the snake followed closely behind them.

They found a dead end as the three of them fell right in front of the wall. There was nothing they could do now but hope that someone would harm the snake, but by the looks of it, no one was around. Ron hugged both girls, covering their eyes so they wouldn't witness the snake attacking their faces. Y/N took final breathes before a scream was heard.

"Y/N, Ron, Hermione we need to leave!" Neville shouted, holding the gryffindor sword in his hand. Y/N inhaled, grateful that Neville finished the snake off and saved their lives. The four of them left the corridor as they walked into the great hall. It was more peaceful but more grieving, you had to be grateful that you were safe but also respectful of every wizard who lost a friend.

"Y/N!" McGonogall called out to her previous student. Y/N walked towards her. "Do you mind healing some minor injuries?" Her profesor asked as Y/N nodded, holding her hand above a students arm."Professor, what will happen to hogwarts?" Y/N asked as she let the heat on her hand minimize the injury.  "Well, it depends." Professor McGonogall said passing her a cup of water. "Thank you." Y/N said taking a sip before continuing to help the injured. Everyone basically knew about her powers expect for the fire powers.

"You never told me what happened when you went home dear?"  Professor McGonogall asked. Y/N sighed before she looked around. Noticing the windows that were now just frames. "I should've listened to them and not come to hogwarts, i went home and saw their cold body's in the corner of their room." Y/N replied.

"Oh dear I hope He's wining." Professor McGonogall hoped sighing. "I am too. I don't even want to think how hogwarts or the Wizarding world will look if Voldemort wins." Y/N spoke as she placed her hand on the students injury. "It's unthinkable." McGonogall spoke, adding to Y/N's point. "Well thank you, Professor I'm gonna go talk to Ginny quickly." Y/N spoke.

She stood up and walked towards Ginny who was being accompanied by her mother. "Hey." Y/N greeted as she sat next to her friend. "Hey." Ginny greeted back. "How's your family?" Y/N asked. Fred was lost, and it was something that they all had to grow and heal from."Well, Mum killed Bellatrix shes proud." Ginny spoke causing both girls to laugh. Ginny was staring at her until she wasn't, she turned to look at whatever was next to Y/N. "Y/N." Ginny spoke, nodding her head to the doors.

Y/N turned to look to the doors. Seeing someone who she had hoped she would see. "Harry." Y/N whispered as she stood up and started to run towards the man she loved. She hugged him immediately, being held by his arms so strongly. "Did you do it?" Y/N asked putting her hands on his cheeks. He nodded so quickly that it wasn't noticeable until he pulled her in for a kiss. A kiss so strong that she probably could've stopped breathing.

The world stood still for a second as everyone in the great hall clapped for Harry. The man who had finally killed the enemy of the wizarding world. Harry hugged her as they walked towards Hagrid who took a second to hug Harry so tightly. Seeing the image of Hagrid carrying Harry's fake dead body scared her and will continue to do so for years to come.

After tearful messages and prayers. Y/N, Harry, Ron and Hermione walked along the outside of Hogwarts. Taking note of all the mess and damage that came with the war.  Do you think hogwarts will be alright?" Y/N asked looking at the corridors. "Yeah the castle rebuilds itself, it will be fine." Hermione responded as she looked to the side."Will we be back next year?" Hermione asked her friends..

"I'm not sure." Y/N replied softly. "Kingsley is offering everyone jobs as Aurors if you fought in the battle. Might as well take the chance." Harry spoke. She nodded as Harry pulled out the elder wand from his pocket.

"Why didn't it work for him the elder wand?" Y/N asked. "It answered to somebody else. When he killed Snape he thought the wand would become his, the thing is that the wand didn't belong to snape. It was Draco who disarmed Dumbledore that night in the astronomy tower. From that moment on the wand answered to him, until that night I disarmed Draco in Malfoy manner." Harry replied looking at the wand.

"So that means." Ron spoke. "It's mine." Harry said looking at Ron. "What should we do with it?" Ron asked. "We?" Hermione asked looking at Ron. "Just saying it's the elder wand, most powerful wand in the world. With that we will be invincible." Ron spoke.

Harry looked at the wand before placing both of his hands on it. Hermione looked at Y/N before both girls heard the sound of the crack coming from the wand. She watched as Harry cracked it throwing it out of the grounds.

The four of them stood looking at the castle and grounds as Y/N turned to look at Harry. "Nice scar." Y/N said looking at Harry causing them both to laugh. "What does that mean?" Hermione asked giggling.

She smiled at her as she looked at Harry. "A comment." Y/N replied as Hermione and her giggled.

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