YEAR 1•8

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Many weeks had passed after the Halloween Feast, Y•N had gotten better at her spells as well as flying.

"Are you ready Y•N?" Pansy asked. "For what?" Y•N asked drinking her water from a goblet. "The quidditch game of course!" Pansy responded.

"Oh yes, I'm excited, Marcus has been training us hard, so it better be worth it." Y•N said with a smile on her face. Both girls laughed at an inside-joke. As Draco and his loyal followers walked to the opposite of the table.

"Well I should be going, Marcus will hate me if I'm late." She said. "Y•N If you do bad today, your gonna wish you never came to Hogwarts."Draco told her. "It's okay to be jealous Draco." Y•N told him as she grabbed her broom "Bye everyone!" She waved and walked to the yard.

The whole team was already there dressed in there quidditch uniform, waiting for Y•N to get ready, so they can start warm-ups.

"Hurry up Y•N." Marcus told her. She put on her uniform it looked good in her, it brought the Y•E•C  in her eyes, she also put her hair in a side braid.

"Okay Everyone gather, Remember whatever it takes to win." Marcus told them. "If you have to play dirty, go ahead."

"Gryffindor has a new seeker and i expect for our seeker to catch it before the game even lasts 5 minutes." Y•N looked at her teams seeker. He had brown hair with Light brown eyes.

"Line up." Marcus said. They all lined up getting ready to be announced. "Good luck." Y•N told herself.

"AND SLYTHERIN!" Lee Jordan the announcer said. The whole team formed a kind of triangle formation. "Now I want a nice clean game." Professor hooch said, she blew her whistle and threw the ball above. Y•N moved to the side As the other Chasers were already playing. Y•N spotted Pansy watching the game. She really wanted to get Slytherin points no matter what.

Lee Jordan kept announcing, Y•N wasn't paying attention looking at the quaffle.

"Y•N GO!" Marcus screamed at her. Y•N  and another Slytherin chaser headed towards Angelina Johnson a Gryffindor Chaser.

They were squishing Angelina. She barley had space to move till she was throw off the broom by other Slytherin chaser. Y•N got the quaffle and went towards the ring, She noticed the boy who was with Harry the other day, She threw the ball, the boy was so close to blocking it but it went through.

Y•N heard Pansy cheer as well as other Slytherins. She headed back to see the other Slytherin chasers, She caught Harry and Slytherins seeker trying to find the snitch. She kept staring at them till Harry fell of his broom. Everyone looked at him. He spit out the snitch. "HARRY POTTER GETS THE SNITCH GRYFFINDOR WINS!" Lee Jordan said.

"Congrats Harry." Y•N told him then smiled. "Thank you Y•N" he smiled back. She made her way to see  Pansy.
"Y•N congrats on the point! " she told her. "Thank you" Y•N responded.

"We still lost." Draco Malfoy said. "Draco can't you be positive for once!" She told him. "When you win us a game Mud-Blood I will be positive." He fired back and walked away.

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