Year 5•8

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"Harry this is mental

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"Harry this is mental." Ron said as they walked to Umbridge's office.

"No Ron, he's hurting Sirius I'm not letting him hurt him." Harry said as he opened the door.

He leaned at the fireplace. "Okay keep lookout." Harry told the three of them.

"Harry, where in this together." Y•N said placing her hand on his leg.

"That you are." She turned to see Umbridge in the door.

Y•N looked at Hermione who was staring at the floor.

Members of the inquisitorial squad held the four of them, as well as Luna,And Ginny who had been caught.

"Found this one trying to help the Weasley girl." Draco said as he walked in with Neville. Y•N rolled her eyes.

"Can you let me go." She told Blaise who held her. "Shut up Avaline." He told her.

Y•N groaned and crossed her arms.

"You were going to Dumbledore weren't you." Umbridge told Harry.

Umbridge slapped Harry, as Y•N tried to get of Blaise.

"Professor snape yes, the time has come for answers whether they wanna give it to me or not." Umbridge said.

She turned to see Professor Snape in the door. Umbridge asked Snape a question, as Y•N tried to move.

"He's got padfoot, and the place where it's hidden." Harry shouted at Snape who was about to walk out.

"Padfoot what is padfoot, what is it and what is he talking about?" Umbridge questioned. "No idea." Professor Snape as he exited.

"Very well you leave me no choice Potter, as this is the issue of the security you leave me with the alternative. The torture curse will do." Umbridge said. "That's illegal Professor." Y•N pleaded.

"Cornelius doesn't know, won't hurt him." Umbridge said placing a portrait down.

"Tell her Harry!" Hermione shouted.
"Tell me what?" Umbridge asked lowering her wand.
"If you don't tell her where it is, i will."Hermione pleaded.

"Where what is?" Umbridge asked. Y•N looked at Hermione who was hardly breathing.

"Dumbledore's secret weapon." Hermione said. She knew there wasn't a weapon, and was an escape plan.

"Lead me you two." Umbridge said pointing at Hermione and Harry.
Hermione,Umbridge and Harry walked out of the classroom.

"Blaise come with me, give Avaline to Crabbe. Where gonna see if there's other members." Draco said.

Blaise pushed Y•N to Crabbe who had an arm open. Y•N couldn't believe she used to be friends with them.

Ron pulled out a pumpkin pastie, she was hungry but obviously couldn't grab any, but she got an idea.

"Ronald can you give me some of our other special Pasties." Y•N asked hinting at Him.

He gave her a confused look but then opened his eyes widely. He passed her a puking pastie before it got snatched from her hand.

"Ours now." Crabbe said. He gave one to Goyle who was begging with his eyes.

Y•N winked at Ron who smiled.
She watched as Crabbe and Goyle's faced slowly started to gross out.

In seconds they started to throw up. "Let's go." Y•N said to Luna,Ginny and Neville and Ron who was at the side of her.

They nodded as they all ran to the bridge. She looked at Harry and Hermione who were coming from the other side of the train.

"How did you get out?" Harry asked as he stopped. "Puking pasties, Y•N's idea." Ron told him. Harry smiled as he held her hand for Y•N to take.

"It was brilliant! So how do we get to London?" Neville asked.
"Look it's not that I don't appreciate, what you've done all of you but I've got you into enough trouble as it is." Harry said as he walked forward.

"Dumbledore's army is supposed to be about doing something real, or was it all words to you." Neville asked. They all stared at Harry.

"You don't have to do this all by yourself Harry." Y•N said and crossed her arms.

"So how are going to get to London." Harry asked. "We fly of course." Luna said. They all nodded as they ran to the forest.

They found seven thestrals where they each mounted and flew of.

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