Year 2•4

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"Hey Y/N, Lockhart started a dueling club, wanna come?" Pansy asked her friend. "Sure." Y/N responded dropping her book. She was tired, These months at Hogwarts had been great, but very confusing as the chamber had been opened, some students were scared, some didn't care, and some were just there.

Y/N grabbed her wand as she stood up. Both girls walked into the classroom, where the desks normally stood, there was a big brown table in the center. Y/N spotted Draco ,as well as his friends on the opposite side of the table who were as always, laughing.

Professor Lockhart walked onto the table. "Gather around, can everybody see me?" Professor Lockhart asked as he pointed his finger to all the students.

He turned around and stared at Harry. "In the light of the dark events recently, Professor Dumbledore has granted me permission to start this little dueling club." He continued. "To train you all up, in case you ever need to defend yourselves, As I myself have done on countless occasions for full details see my books." He smiled and took his cape off.

Y/N looked as he threw the cape to a older group of ravenclaw girls who immediately started giggling as they held the cape.

"Let me introduce my assistant, Professor Snape." Professor Lockhart presented as he pointed his arm to the right. Professor Snape walked up the table very slowly as he rolled his sleeves up. "He will do a demonstration, but do not worry. You will still have your potions teacher after this."

Professor Lockhart pulled his wand and walked towards Professor Snape who was ready, their wands were at their noses. They pulled the wand down and nodded walking back.

Professor Lockhart pointed his wand. "1..2..3"

Professor Snape was ready. "Experilliamous!" He yelled, a white spark came out of his wand immediately Flinging Lockhart as well as disarming his wand. Professor Lockhart got up, he had gotten hurt but didn't show it." Excellent idea Professor Snape to show them that, it was pretty obvious what you were about to do. If I had tried to stop you it would be to easy." Professor Lockhart justified.

Y/N looked at Hermione who seemed worried of him getting hurt. "Maybe it's best to teach the students how to block." Snape suggested.

Professor Lockhart had a small smile. "Excellent suggestion Professor Snape! Now let's have a volunteer pair, Um Potter,Weasley how about?" He asked looking at Harry and Ron.

"Weasleys wand causes devastation,with the simplest spells, will be sending Potter to the hospital room. May I suggest someone from my own house?" Snape continued.

"Avaline or Malfoy perhaps?" Y/N shook her head immediately, she was here to watch not to fight. Snape nodded as he pointed to Draco who stood up immediately and walked over to the table.

Both Harry and Draco got into a dueling position as they put their wand to their noses like Snape and Lockhart had done earlier. "This can't be good." Y/N warned Pansy. "Wands at the ready." Professor Lockhart instructed.Harry and Draco swished their wands in front of their faces ready to duel.
"Scared Potter?" Draco asked, raising his eyebrows. "You wish." Harry responded very ambitiously and walked away.

"On the count of three cast your charms to disarm your appointment only, we don't want any accidents here." Professor Lockhart instructed.

"1..2-" Professor Lockhart counted but was cut off. Draco sent a charm that was not a disarming charm. Y/N could tell Harry was hurt, but he got up at the second. Draco smiled as well as other Slytherins.

Harry casted a charm back which hit Draco much harder then he had done to Harry. Snape grabbed Draco's hood,telling him to continue.

"I said disarm only!" Professor Lockhart screeched. Draco didn't listen and casted another charm but much different then the others. A Snake came out of his wand and slithered his way to Harry.

"There,There Potter Ill get rid of it for you." Professor snape said as he walked forward.

Professor Lockhart sent another charm that threw the Snake all the way to the roof causing it to be a lot madder the it was.

Harry walked forward, and whispered a language Y/N felt weird about.

"What is he saying?" Pansy asked as she raised one eyebrow.

"Do you not know what that means?" Y/N asked as she was able to understand almost immediately. "No can you?" Pansy asked. Y/N nodded and continued to listen.

Snape had enough and did a charm that turned the snake into ash.

"How could she understand it?" Y/N asked herself. She was already weirdly enough as being the first muggleborn in Slytherin.

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