Year 2•3

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A month had passed after the first quidditch practice, Y/N had learned a lot of new charms as well as potions. "Look Pansy!" Y/N yelled as she showed her chocolate frog card. "Wow! Salazar Slytherin!" She exclaimed and grabbed the card. "Wow." Pansy smiled before passing Y/N the card back.

A few minutes had passed after a Slytherin prefect came around and Told all Slytherins it was time to go to the common room. Everyone was talking, you could hear massive chatter from every student. Y/N and Pansy were laughing till the line stoped moving. "What happened?" Pansy asked. "Let me see." Y/N moved to the front off the line attempting to see what was going on.

In her eyes were Hermione,Harry and Ron. Y/N looked at one of the walls that had writing all over it. "The Chamber of secrets has been opened, enemies of the heir beware." Y/N gulped as she turned to the line. Right in her eyes was a cat she recognized almost immediately. "Mrs.Norris?" Y/N asked then turned to Harry who looked confused.

Professor McGonogall came rushing forward to where Y/N was standing. "All students go to their common rooms except Mrs.Granger and Mr.Potter and Mr.Weasley." McGonogall instructed the students as Y/N walked over to her line so they could go to their common rooms.

She asked herself multiple questions. "Would Harry do that?" She was rather confused and couldn't sleep for the rest of the night, there was no way Harry could ever kill a cat, only a sick person could kill a cat.


Y/N woke up bright and early, She was very tired and couldn't really sleep. "Y/N are you ok?" Pansy asked her friend at breakfast. "Yes sorry, I just couldn't sleep." Y/N responded removing her hand from her forehead. "Ok, We should go to transfiguration before we get detention." Pansy spoke as she stood up and grabbed a book.

"Yea let's go." Y/N responded before grabbing a donut to have a small treat. Both girls walked to Transfiguration as many students walked beside them.

Y/N couldn't focus on the class, all she knew was that they were turning animals into water goblets. Y/N was lucky Professor McGonogall didn't pick on her, she wouldn't know the answers at all. Pansy snapped her fingers trying to get
Y/N's attention. "Yeah sorry." Y/N said as she removed her hands from her books.

Hermione had her hand up, waiting for Professor McGonogall's attention. "Yes Mrs.Granger?" Professor McGonogall acknowledged as she put her wand down. "Professor, I was hoping if you could tell us about the Chamber of secrets." Hermione asked, Y/Nlooked up. "Finally a good question in this class." Y/N told herself.

Professor McGonogall looked unsure, but willing to do it. "A lot of years ago, when Helga Hufflepuff, Rowena Ravenclaw,Godric Gryffindor and Salazar Slytherin made hogwarts. All founders but one wanted all Types of Blood to come to Hogwarts, But Salazar Slytherin believed that only the wizard-kind should be able to come to the school. Salazar then left the school, and there was a legend that he left a Chamber in the bottom of the school for only the Heir of Slytherin to find."

Professor McGonogall paused. "It is rumored that the only ones in danger are muggle-borns, but it's just a legend nothing to worry about." She continued. Hermione looked down. "Class dismissed." Professor McGonogall said as she walked around and got the parchment.

"I bet Y/N and Granger will be the first to suffer from this." Draco exclaimed, laughing as he touched Goyles shoulder. "Malfoy please start focusing on work, you might pass if you do." Y/N told him as he rolled his eyes.

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