Year 1•10

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Christmas had been passed well, Y•N had told Her parents all about Hogwarts.
Time had passed quick it was already January.

"Look Pansy, we got an 101 on Charms!" Y•N showed Pansy a parchment.

"Wow!" Pansy said then clapped Y•N's hand. "What about you Draco?" Y•N asked while licking her popsicle.

"A 81, My father thinks it's pathetic." Draco told her. "Ever thought of studying  Draco?" Y•N told him.

"Don't be goody Y•N, your lucky I'm even talking to you right now." Draco told her and walked away. Y•N grinned and got her parchment.

"We should go to potions, before Snape takes points from Slytherin." Pansy said. Y•N took a last bite from her cheese cake. "Yeah let's go." Y•N told her.

Both girls walked to potions. They heard footsteps like running. Harry,Ron and Hermione were running somewhere. They passed by both girls. "Wonder where there going." Y•N said.

"Probably trying to go and see Harry's fans." Pansy responded with a laugh. Y•N nodded and giggled while grabbing her potions book from a bag.

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