Year 6•7

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"So how come you didn't tell me?" Y/N asked as she approached him. "Tell you what?" Draco asked. "Why you kissed me, who was staring?" Y/N asked grabbing her book. "Oh, Potter was staring He's been suspicious of me lately, so I had to make it look obvious." Draco said looking at the floor. "Why would he be suspicious?" Y/N asked as she opened the great hall doors. "I'm not sure." Draco replied. "Well I have to go to the library see you later." Draco excused before walking away.

Y/N could tell he was suspicious, but she didn't know why. What could Draco be hiding that she didn't know.

"Hello Daphne and Astoria." Y/N greeted as she sat across the Greengrass sisters. "Hello Y/N, sorry about Astoria." Daphne said patting Astoria in the head who was crying. "Why are you crying?" Y/N asked. "She likes Draco, but I told her she has no chance with him. I mean he's sixteen and she's fifthteen." Daphne said looking at Astoria.

"Oh." Y/N said awkwardly.

Y/N took a second to stare at everyone who was in the hall. "Who's that?" Y/N asked pointing to a brunette girl. "That's Katie bell, she got cursed recently by a necklace, I think." Daphne replied hugging Astoria. Y•N raised her eyebrows as she sat down. She watched as Harry went over to talk to Katie.

"Well how's Draco, Y/N?" Astoria asked wiping her tears. "He seems odd." Y/N replied looking at Astoria. "I haven't seen him today." Daphne said before her eyes raised. "There he is." Daphne said pointing to the entrance of the great hall. He was walking before he stopped, hesitating for a second.

"Why is he going back?" Y/N asked as she watched Draco exit the hall. "Not sure but Harry's chasing after him." Daphne said biting a bread stick. "This can't be good." Y/N said shutting her book and placing the bookmark.

"Y/N can I play with your Pygmy puff while your gone." Astoria asked looking at the Pygmy puff.

"Yes." Y/N nodded placing it on Astorias hands. "What's its name?" She asked. "Lynch." Y/N replied before grabbing her book. "I'm going to go stop them, be careful with Lynch!" Y/N said walking away from the table. She rushed to get there as soon as possible, she didn't know where they went but she saw Neville.

"Neville have you seen Draco?" Y/N asked him. "I'm pretty he went to the boys washroom."  Neville said looking nervous.

"Okay." Y/N spoke as she continued walking before getting stopped. "Y/N you can't go in there." Neville interrupted her. "It's fine."  Y/N said opening the door.
She watched as her feet immediately got wet meaning a faucet was kept running. What was happening in the boys washroom.

She slowly walked in to see Harry standing in the washroom With small scratches on his face. He turned to face her as his mouth dropped. "Y/N i didn't-" He tried to speak before Y/N looked to see what was next to him. There was Draco in the floor, bleeding out from his body.

"what happened?" Y/N shouted as she ran up to Draco and got on her knees. Making her skirt wet due to the faucet. She slowly moved his head on her knees.  She placed her hand on his forehead, she watched as blood from his body flow in the water.

"Hold on Draco." Y/N begged as she watched Snape walk in. Snape pulled out his wand doing spells that reversed the blood. She wondered why Harry would do this, she knew they had had rivalry since their first year. But whatever curse Harry had done was gonna kill him if Snape hadn't came in.

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