Year 7•7

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"Good morning Hermione." Y•N said coming out from the tent. "Good morning." Hermione replied.

Hermione was leaning in the tree while reading a book. She had a blanket over her legs as it had snowed the previous day.

Y•N walked to the lake throwing a rock to the water.

Ron still hadn't came back leaving Hermione heartbroken. They hadn't gotten word from the order or hogwarts overall.

She watched as Harry walked out of the tent. She smiled as he smiled at her.

She walked to the opposite tree from Hermione and sat down.

"Are you feeling better?" Y•N asked.

"Better, where are we?" Harry asked as he sat next to her.

"Came here with mom and dad, years ago, just how I remember it. The trees, the river everything." Hermione said looking around.

"Forest of Dean." Hermione continued.

"At this point we should stay here, grow old." Y•N said looking at Harry.

"You wanna know who the boy in the photograph?" Hermione asked. Y•N and Harry nodded slowly.

"Gellert Grindewald." Hermione said passing Y•N a book. She showed Harry the book as she moved through the pages.

"He's the theif I saw in gregorvitch's wand shop, speaking of which where is my wand?" Harry asked looking at Hermione.

Hermione sighed as she looked at the floor. "Where's my wand Hermione?" Harry asked.

Hermione stood up reaching for the blanket to reveal two pieces of a wand cracked.

"When we were leaving Godrics Hollow I cast a curse and it rebounded." Hermione said.

"I'm sorry I tried to mend it but wands-" Hermione said before being cut of.

"Here Harry you can use mine." Y•N said passing him her wand.

"Are you sure?" He asked. She nodded as she smiled.

"I'm gonna go inside and get warm." Y•N said standing up.

"Me to, hermione do you have the locket?" Harry asked standing up as well.

Hermione passed him the locket before they went inside.

"Sorry about your wand." Y•N said sitting in her bed.

"It's fine." Harry said sitting next to her.

She smiled as she held his hand. "You know I believe in you." Y•N said as she looked at him.

"Thank you Y•N for coming back to me." Harry said as he moved her hair to the side.

She smiled as she kissed him on the cheek.

She layed in the bed as he hugged her laying next to her.

"Where are you going?" Y•N asked yawning. "Gonna try to destroy the locket wanna come?" Harry asked standing up.

"Sure." Y•N said standing up. They walked out of the tent trying not to wake Hermione up.

"So cold." Y•N said as they walked around.

"Do you see that?" Harry asked pointing at the river.

She turned to see a patronus of a doe.
"Yes." Y•N said moving closer.

As they got closer the doe moved around as they reached a river.

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