YEAR 1•9

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It has been December, time had passed faster then Y•N realized.

Professor Mcgonogall was walking around, asking people if they wanted to stay or go to there house got Christmas. "Are you staying Pansy?" Y•N asked her. "No, My father said he has a new invention he wants to show me." She responded "how about you?". "I'm going home as well, I know my parents want me to tell them everything." She told her.

"Well we should go pack!" Pansy told her grabbing a Chocolate Taffy from the table. "Oo sure!" She responded.

Both girls made there way to the common room and got there Hogwarts trunk. Y•N Put her clothes,some books as well as Christmas Homework. "Well we should properly go with Mcgonogall so we can catch the train." Y•N said. "Yeah let's go." Pansy said as she grabbed her trunk.

They made there way outside the school, and took the boats to the train. "Good luck on your trip girls." Professor Mcgonogall told Y•N,Pansy as well as Hermione who was in back of them. "Bye professor." All girls said.

Y•N and Pansy went to their train Cabinet and sat down. Y•N got sapphire on her lap. Just at the moment Draco Malfoy,Crabbe and Goyle went into their cabinet. Y•N looked at him. "Hey, there wasn't space left." Draco told Y•N knowing she didn't want him in her cabinet. "Whatever." Y•N said.

"Bring me one of your muggle books Y•N." Draco told her. "What are you gonna do to it? Burn it?" She asked him. "Mhm" he nodded. "Shut up Malfoy." Y•N laughed. For the rest of the train ride she fell asleep.

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