Year 7•10

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"Ready?" Harry asked as he put his hand in. "Ready." The three of them said as they put their hand in apparating in hogsmeade.

"Crap." Y•N said as she heard an alarm. They ran to hide in the back of the tables. They heard a few people checking near by taking the covers of as they got closer to their table.

The alarm sounded again causing them to go away as they stood up.

They ran to An alley till they saw a fence blocking their way.

"In here Potter." She heard a voice and turned to the door as they took turns walking in.

"Did you get a look of him?" Ron asked as they finished the stairs.

"I know Dumbledore." Hermione replied.

Y•N walked to Harry who was looking at the mirror.

"Any clues?" Y•N asked hugging him from his back.

"Not yet." Harry said leaning his head on her shoulder.

"Harry I can see you in this." Hermione said causing them to turn around.

They walked to where Hermione was as a cracked Mirror was shown. "Bloody fouls what were you thinking in coming here." A elder man said as he came up to them.

He had a resemblance of Dumbledore, same face shape as well as face.

"Do you have any idea of how dangerous it is?" He asked looking at them. "Your aberforth, Dumbledores brother?" Harry asked pointing at him.

"It's you who I have been seeing in here." Harry said shaking the cracked mirror peace.

"Your the one who sent Dobby!" Harry said.

"Where did you left him?" He asked moving to a table.

"He's dead." Harry replied.

"Sorry to hear it I liked that elf." He said grabbing a goblet.

"Who gave that to you?" Harry said pointing at the mirror. "The mirror? Mondongus Flechter about a year ago." He replied looking at Harry.

"He had no right selling it you it belonged to-" Harry said before being cut of. "Sirius." He replied.

"Albus told me, he also told me you would be caught of if you found out I had it." He said walking towards Harry.

"But ask yourself, where would you be if I didn't?" He asked.

He put a plate of butterbears on the table as they each grabbed one. "Do you have information from the order?" Y•N asked taking a sip from the cup.

"The order is finished, you know who has won. Anyone who says other wise is kidding themselves." He replied.

"We need to get into hogwarts tonight." Harry said.

"Dumbledore gave us a job to do." Harry continued. "Did he now? Nice job? Easy?" He asked.

"We've been hunting horcruxes." Harry said.

"We think the last one is in the castle, but we will need your help getting in." Harry said.

"The job my brother has given you is a suicide mission." He replied.

"Do yourself a favor boy, go home live a little longer." He said.

"Dumbledore trusted me to see this through." Harry replied.

"What makes you think you can trust him, what makes you think you can believe anything my brother told you. Did he ever mention my name did he ever mention hers?" He said pointing at the portrait with a girl.

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