Year 4•4

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"It's rubbish only 17+ wizards can enter." Fred said as he rolled his eyes.

"Don't go making bad choices." Hermione said as she grabbed a book.

"Lucky for you Granger we already did!" George said and ran into the great hall.

"We can't miss this." Y•N said and laughed, she grabbed Hermione's arm and moved her into the seats.

She watched as a few students put their names in the goblet, she was waiting for Fred and George to do something

"Do it Cedric!" She heard and a voice and looked up. She watched as a few hufflepuffs pushed Cedric into the age line.

He put the little paper in the goblet and smiled. He turned to Y•N and winked. "He winked at you, he likes you one hundred percent!" Hermione whispered.

"I doubt it he's a Seventh year and I'm a fourth year Hermione." Y•N laughed.

Y•N heard cheering and immediately guessed who it was.

"We did it! We cooked it up this morning" Fred exclaimed.

"It's not going to work." Hermione blurted.

"Oh yeah, why is that granger?" George asked. "You see this, this is an age line Dumbledore drew it himself." Hermione replied.

"So?" George asked. "So! A genius like Dumbledore couldn't possibly be fooled by a dumb witted as an age potion." Hermione replied as she shut her book.

"That's why it's so brilliant." Fred said. "It's so pathetically dumb witted." George laughed.

"Ready Fred, Ready George bottoms
Up." They both said as they took the potion. "What if it does work." Y•N asked Hermione and laughed. "I doubt it." She replied.

They both jumped into the circle, nothing happening. Everyone cheered as they put their names into the goblet.

Blue flames came out of goblet, flinging both Fred and George.

They looked up to see their had gone all white as well as grown beards.

"You said!" Fred screamed. "You said!" George screamed as they started to fight.

Everyone screamed As they started to hit each other. "Told you so." Hermione said.

Everything went quiet, as Viktor Krum and Igor Karkaof walked in. He placed the paper into the goblet even getting Hermiones attention. He looked at Hermione then walked away.

"See he likes you!" Y•N said and laughed. "Oh please." She replied and giggled.


The next day was defense against the dark arts. "I'm excited, I mean he's an Auror He can teach us many things this year!" Hermione was saying while the four walked. Y•N looked at Draco and Pansy as well as Blaise in the corner.

She gave a small fake smile. Draco gave a little smile back however Pansy just raised her eyebrows.

"Goddamn it Parkinson." Y•N said as She put a clip on her hair. "What happened?" Hermione asked. "Pansy and her Draco drama." Y•N replied and rolled her eyes.

Y•N took a seat next to Hermione who had Parchment,quills out for the class.

Y•N looked at Pansy who was twirling her hair and crawling her fingers over Draco's arm. "She's pathetic." Y•N said as she traced circles on a book.

"Do you like Draco?" Hermione asked. "No not at all, it's just Pansy threatened against me and My parents for me to not to talk Draco ever again." Y•N replied and placed her hands on her cheeks. "You have to report it." Hermione replied. "I don't think any Professor wants teen drama." Y•N laughed.

"Alastar Moody." The Professor took the stand. "Ex-Auror,ministry worker and your new defense against the dark arts teacher." The Professor said as he wrote Moody on the chalk board.

"I'm here because Dumbledore asked me,end of story goodbye the end." He continued.

Y•N already felt suspicious, if Dumbledore wanted him why is he so rude, or is that him naturally.

"Any questions?" He asked. No one raised their hands

"When it comes to the dark arts, I believe in a normal approach,but first which of you can tell me how many unforgivable curses are their." The Professor asked.

"Three Sir." Hermione replied but everyone could tell she was a little terrified with the tone of her voice.

"And their surname?" He asked as he wrote on the chalk board. "Because they are unforgivable, use any one of them and-" Hermione said but was cut of.

"A ticket to Azkaban." Professor Moody said harshly writing on the chalk board aggressively. Y•N gave a worried look to Hermione.

"Now the ministry says your to young to see what these curses do,I say different. You need to know what your up against,You need to be prepared,You need another place to place your chewing gum besides the under side of your desk Mr.Finnigan!" Professor Moody continued.

Everyone turned around to see Seamus who was complaining to Dean.

"So which curse do we see first, Weasley!" Professor Moody commanded. "Yes?" Ron questioned very scared. "Stand." Professor Moody demanded. Ron slowly stood up. "Give us a curse." Professor Moody said. "Well,My dad did tell me about one, The imperious curse." Ron replied with a scared tone.

Professor Moody walked to his desk and opened a jar.

Hermione looked worried as she breathed in and out.

Professor Moody took a spider out of the jar placing it on his hand.

"Imperio." Professor Moody said as he pointed the wand at the spider.

The spider went everywhere Professor Moody pointed with his wand. Everyone laughed as it went on students heads, and foreheads. However Y•N thought it was funnier when the spider went on Pansy's Nose. He then brought the spider back to his hand.

"Many witches and wizards claim did You-Know-who's bidding under the informence of the Imperious curse,but here's the problem how do we sort out the liars." He continued.

A few people raised there hands, Y•N however didn't know what he was talking about.

"Longbottom is it? Stand up." Professor Moody said as he looked at Neville.

"Professor Sprout tells me you have a talent to herbolody." Professor Moody questioned. Neville nodded with a worried face.

"So um, there's the cruisatous curse." Neville said.

"Correct,correct! Come!" Professor Moody said as he walked towards the spider. "Crucio." Professor Moody said as he pointed his wand at the spider.

The spider looked like it was shrieking for pain, Y•N couldn't bare to see it.

"Just stop! Cant you see its bothering him!?"
Y•N cried before Professor Moody looked at her.

Professor Moody grabbed the spider and walked towards Y•N. He placed the spider on her desk before clearing his throat.

"Perhaps you can give us the Last Unforgivable curse Ms.Avaline." He told you. Y•N didn't know the curse, but she could sense what it was about. She shaked her head and gave a deep breath. "No? Avada Kedabrva." Professor Moody said. A green spark came out of the wand killing the spider on Y•N's desk. Y•N's eyes started to water but rubbed her eyes at the second.

"Only one person who has been known to survive the curse, and he's sitting in this room." Professor Moody said as he walked towards Harry. Everyone looked to Harry.

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