YEAR 1•4

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Y/N woke up the next day very excited, for what today can bring her. She wanted to make a good first impression even to those she didn't even know. She was wearing a Brown Plaid skirt, With a White Long sleeve sweater with her Moms Pearls, As well as Knee High socks with Black shoes.

Mr and Mrs Avaline, had driven Y/N to King Cross Train Station. She Had a trolley where she carried, her luggage as well as her Cat Flora. They were in a rush as the train was leaving in 10 minutes. As her and her parents reached the 9 and 10 Station They saw no 9 and 3/4 Station. Y/N looked at her mom with a disappointed look. "I told you Mom, we were fooled." Y/N told her mom as she sat against her trolley. Just at that moment, She heard A woman shout "Packed with muggles every year."

Muggles Y/N told herself. The word the girl she met at Ollivanders who had referred to eachother as muggles.  "Sweetheart where are you going?" Mrs.Avaline shouted as her and Mr.Avaline chased after Y/N.

There she saw in her eyes, The red-Head family were running to the wall, and to another portal.Y/N trying to make a good impression was behind them, trying to act like she knew what she was doing when in reality she had no idea what to do.  At that moment Mr and Mrs.Avaline had seen what they had to do and were ready To go. When it was their turn they all went running to the wall and saw the train. The train was Red and black and said "Hogwarts express"in the front.

Y/N walked to the  boarding door of the train. "Well Mom and Dad I guess this is goodbye." Y/N looked at them and hugged them both. "You better write honey, because we will." Mrs.Avaline assured her and hugged Y/N again. Y/N waved at them one more Time before stepping onto the train and grabbing her luggage and Flora.

Y/N didn't know where to go, She knew nobody but the girl she met In Ollivanders. She walked till she bumped into someone accidentally. "Sorry I didn't see you." A boy with glasses spoke.

She looked up to see him. "Nice scar and it's fine." Y/N spoke seeing a lightning bolt scar on the boys forehead.

"I'm Harry,  Harry Potter." The boy greeted. "Y/N Avaline." She smiled as she waved bye as they were headed in different directions. Y/N entered a Empty Cabinet, And sat down with Flora on her side. "Well Flora, now we wait." As she let Flora fall asleep on her lap while Y/N's head rested on the cushion.  She was awoken by  knocks at the door. The door slid open to reveal another girl, She had Brunette hair with Dark brown eyes. "Excuse me?" The girl questioned. "Can I sit here?" Y/N looked at her cabinet then answered "Yeah of course." The girl walked in and sat across of her.

She had no pets only a book, "so who are you?" Y/N asked attempting to make a fried. "Pansy Parkinson, pure-blood. You?" The girl asked then bit a chocolate shaped frog. "I'm Y/N Avaline and I'm a muggle born." The girl looked startled  as soon when Y/N said Muggleborn causing her to almost choke on her chocolate. "Sorry, I'm not used to meeting muggle-borns" she spoke then put her chocolate down. "it's fine." Y/N said then layed on her seat wanting to fall asleep again.

Y/N was awoken by Pansy Parkinson, "Get up its time to go!" She said and gave Y:N her robes. Y/N changed into them and got her bags. "First years over here!" Y/N and Pansy Parkison followed the voice, Once she got closer she saw a ginormous Man. She would never see a man that size in London, "I think he is a a half giant" Parkinson blurted out. "Have you read magical creatures?" Y/N asked the girl.

"No I don't need a book when I have parents who tell me about everything." She responded as they both  walked towards the boats. The girls had chosen the boat to the right, There was 1 Girl already sitting on it. She had dark black hair with bangs, and was seated down. Both Y/N and Pansy sat down, Suddenly the boats started to move, Y/N looked at the water. She could see many animals,plants and more But could tell the water was deep. Y/N kept looking at the sky and stars till she heard many gasps at once.

She looked to see what was happening. "Wow, So this is Hogwarts." Pansy spoke. It was a huge building looked like a an old boarding school. Which technically was similar to
this. As all students got off the boats and onto the path, they were told to follow the path, till they saw Professor Mcgonogall. Y/N remembered the name, The woman who came to her house and told her about Hogwarts.

"Welcome Students." Y/N heard her voice, She wasn't paying attention, looking at all the walls and students, till she heard "Hufflepuff,Gryffindor,Ravenclaw and Slytherin." Professor Mcgonogall said then opened the doors. "Let me see if we're ready for you."

"So it's true what they were saying in the train , Harry Potter has come to hogwarts." Y/N turned and saw A pale Platinum blond boy. The boy kept talking but Y/N was confused on why he was famous. "Pansy, Why is he famous?" Y/N asked. "He was the first boy to survive the killing curse, he's quite famous here." Pansy responded then both girls looked at The Pale boy. "This is Crabee and Goyle and I'm Malfoy, Draco Malfoy."

A laugh came out from a red-head boy next to Harry Potter,  Draco looked immediately. "Think my names funny do you?" He said "no need to ask yours, Red hair and a hand me down robe. You must be a Weasley."

The red head boy frowned then looked at the floor. Y/N looked at the red-head boy then at the Draco who was still talking. "You don't want to be making friends with the wrong-sort. I can help you there" Draco held out his hand, Harry Potter looked at the hand being offered before speaking. "I think I can tell the wrong sort for myself." The boy spoke, Dracos face turned serious just as Professor Mcgonogall tapped his shoulder. "We're ready for you" She told everyone then opened the door.

Inside was 4 tables lined up, as well as floating candles. She also saw the roof that looked like the sky. "It's bewitched to look like the night sky" Y/N heard the familar voice of Hermione Granger who was in back of Y/N and Pansy. "I've read about it, in hogwarts A: History."

"Gather around here" Professor Mcgonogall said. "So before we begin, Professor Dumbledore will like to say a few words."

The Elder man stood up, "I have a few start of term notices, I wish to announce.First years please note the Forbidden forest is strictly forbidden-"

After those words Y/N wasn't paying attention, she was looking at Harry who was playing with his hands until he  caught Her staring, Y/N immediately turned to the side embarrassed. She was just curious on why he was famous. I mean I guess having a lighting bolt scar is cool.

About 6 people have been called for the sorting hat including Pansy Parkison, and Draco Malfoy. They were both sorted in Slytherin "Hermione Granger?" Hermione the girl Y/N had met Ollivanders walked to the stand, "Gryffindor!" The hat screamed and Hermione Happily stepped of and went to the gryffindor table.

"Y/N Avaline?" Y/N walked onto the stand and sat down, and felt the hat on her head. "Ohh..Ohh Is history being made today?" The hat spoke, Y/N was confused what did he mean. "Difficult very different, my senses tell me.. SLYTHERIN!" Pansy smiled and Mcgonogall removed the hat, Y/N stepped down and walked towards the Slytherin table. "I can't believe it your the first muggle-born in Slytherin!" Pansy and Y/N smiled.

"She's a muggle-born?" Draco malfoy asked with disgust on his face. "Yes ,she is why?" Pansy asked. Draco rolled his eyes then looked at the sorting.

"Why did he roll his eyes?" Y/N asked Pansy. "Probably because your muggle-born but just ignore him." She told

Everyone feasted, Y/N was surprised by how a single snap can make a whole feast appear.

"Please follow your prefects to your Common Room." McGonogall said. Y/N and Pansy followed Slytherins prefect all the way to the dungeons. "Password is Pure-Blood Slytherin, Don't tell no one." Draco looked at Y/N knowing she was muggle born. They entered inside where there was couches,desks, tables and way more. "Over there are the rooms. Boys to the left and Girls to the right." Y/N and Pansy followed to the girls side of the dorms. Y/N saw all her luggage was brought up as well as her Cat Flora.
Pansy fell asleep quickly and Y/N did right after.

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