Year 4•2

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Y•N woke up hearing walking. "Great Y•N your up!" Hermione said as she looked at her. "Good morning." Y•N told Hermione and Ginny who were already dressed. "Here, get dressed so we can wake up the boys." Hermione handed her a hoodie as well as some jeans. Y•N got up and went to the bath room and got dressed, she took of her braids she had fallen asleep with, which made her hair look pretty and wavy, she put on a necklace with a Peral finishing her outfit.

"Okay done." Y•N said as she walked out of the bathroom. "Great let's go." Hermione replied and grabbed her arm.

Both girls went to Rons Room, where Harry and Ron were sleeping.

"You wake Harry and I'll wake Ronald." Hermione assigned and handed her a candle.

Y•N looked at Harry, who was shaking and sweating. "Harry,Harry." Y•N said and shaked his shoulder.

She saw him open his eyes slowly. "Harry are you okay?" She asked.

"Y•N, sorry bad dream." He answered and stood up.

"Come on Ronald, Your mother says breakfast is ready!" Hermione screamed and walked out.

Y•N gave a small smile before walking out.

"Hello Y•N, take a seat next to Ginny," Mrs.Weasley told her.

Mrs.Weasley had made a full breakfast, including eggs, and potatoes.

Mr.Weasley was waiting for them outside, with a huge backpack. "Okay kids let's go." He told them and started to walk.

They walked into a forest, Fred and George were also there including Bill who was Ron's eldest brother.

"Arthur! It's about time son!" A man voice said. She looked up to see man who was about Mr.Weasleys age walk towards them.

"Some of us had a sleep start." Mr.Weasley said looking at Harry and Ron. "This is Amos Diggory everyone, well friend in the ministry." Mr.Weasley continued.

She looked at Amos Diggory then she saw a boy come down from the tree, He looked very pale, as well as Dark blond hair.

"Who's that?" Y•N whispered to Hermione. "Cedric Diggory, Seventh year hufflepuff. He shook Arthur's hand, then walked behind his father, He shaked his hand with Harry, then looked at Y•N.

"Y•N avaline correct?" He asked her and smiled. "Yes Cedric?" She replied with a question. "Yes Nice to meet you." He said and shook Y•N's hand.

They all continued walking and followed Mr.Weasley to a hill, nothing was there but a boot in the middle. "Why are we huddled over a boot." Y•N asked and lowered an eyebrow.

"It's not a boot it's a port key!" Fred answered. "Just put your hand in it." George continued.

They all layed down and put a hand in it. "One,two three!" Arthur screamed. All of a sudden it felt like everyone was spinning around, She looked at Everyone who held the boot who were confused. "Let go in three ,two one!" Arthur assigned. Y•N fell falling on her back, she wasn't the only, as Ginny,Harry,hermione and Ron had also fell.

She saw 3 people's shadows coming down slowly, she realized it saw Arthur,Cedric and Amos. Cedric handed his hand to Y•N, she accepted and stood up. "Thank you." She replied and gave a smile.

Everyone stood up and walked over the other hill, in Y•N's eyes she was a lot of people,it was basically a carnival festival from back home, just magical.

"Welcome to the quidditch World Cup!" Mr.Weasley said.

They followed Mr.Weasley as well as Amos who walked deeper into the amount of people. "Time to part see you in the match?" Amos Diggory asked before shaking Mr.Weasleys hand.

"See you in the match!" Mr.Weasley responded. As they parted they continued to follow Mr.Weasley to a small tent.

"How could we fit there?" Y•N asked Ginny. "I think it's fathers ideas!" Ginny replied. He opened the tent, syncing everyone to go in.

The inside of the tent looked bigger then it was from outside, more luxurious and overall, it gave Y•N feelings about Professor Trelawney's class room.


They all got ready and walked to the game, the arena was 30 times bigger then arenas at home. She noticed Draco with his father but didn't bother to say hello, he looked at her then at the floor.

The game was more interesting then any Hogwarts game combined.

This game made history, as it was the first ever team to lose when getting the snitch.

They walked back, and Fred and George and Ron were fighting all the way. As they both rooted for different teams.

"Sounds like the Irish have their pride on!" Fred said, Y•N heard screaming as well as panic but she thought it was just the game.

Suddenly Mr.Weasley came running in."stop it! Stop it!." He yelled. "It's not the Irish." He continued.

Mr.Weasley went to Ginny and grabbed her arm. "We have to get out of here, now." Mr.Weasley demanded.

They ran out of the tent, terrified of what was going on. "To the portkey." Mr.Weasley said.

Hermione grabbed Y•N's arm, and ran to the back. Many people were running trying to get out of the area as fast as possible.

"Harry!" Both Y•N and Hermione screamed, as he was pushed to the other side.

About 30 minutes had passed before everything got dark, signifying that everyone have left.

"Where's harry?" Hermione whispered with a scared tone. "I'm not sure."
Ron responded. "Well let's find him." Y•N replied and grabbed both of their arms.

They spotted him looking at the something. "Harry!" Y•N screamed and hugged him.

"What is that?" He asked. She looked at the sky to see a skeleton head with a snake revolving around.

Hermione grabbed Y•N's arm forcing her to kneel down, right in time as some Aurors shot their spells.

"That's my son!" Mr.Weasley came running in.

"Which of you did it?" A man about 70 years old asked.

"You have been discovered in the scene of the crime." He continued. "What crime?" Y•N asked.

"It's the dark mark Y•N, You-know who's mark." Hermione replied.

"Voldemort?" Harry asked. "Those people tonight, in the masks are they his followers?" Harry asked again. Mr.Weasley nodded. "Let's go." The elderly man said. Harry told them about something they had seen.

Y•N looked at the mark, she recognized it now, It was the mark in the textbook she read while in her second year.

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