Year 1•6

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"I'm so glad it's the end of the day." Pansy spoke in relief as they arrived to their common rooms. "For you." Y/N responded jokingly as she let go of her books.

"Oh yeah, Good luck on your quidditch practice." Pansy told her. "I don't think it's practice, he said he was gonna explain to me what quidditch basically is" Y/N told her then grabbed a grey sweater, as well as Khaki pants.

"Enjoy it either way." Pansy told her. "Thank you, I'll see you later!" Y/N spoke as both girls waved bye to each other.

Y/N changed into her outfit, and put her hair in a pony tail, and made her way to the court-yard.

"Hello Y/N" Marcus said with a box in his arms. "Hello Marcus, where are we going?" Y/N asked.

"To the quidditch pitch of course." Marcus said carrying the box, it looked like it was heavy but she didn't question it.

They walked more then it took her to go the court-yard before they finally made it to the quidditch pitch.

"Okay great, here's the quidditch pitch, we play here as well, when we're against other houses" Marcus spoke as he laid  the box in the floor.

Y/N got her broom and put it to the side, and just at the moment she heard footsteps. It was Harry Potter as well as an other boy.

"Oh, Hi Harry." Y/N greeted to the boy who helped her eariler.  "Hello Y•N" Harry replied. Marcus turned to Harry then at the boy.

"Wood, I believe I booked this for Slytherin tonight." Marcus said then crossed his arms.
"Well we have a new seeker Flint."  The boy said. "And we have a new chaser." Flint responded.

"You win this time only because i don't feel like arguing, Harry let's go." The boy  said.

"Anyways sorry Y/N."Marcus told her then opened the box. "It's no problem." Y/N replied as she looked at the stand. "Well today I'm gonna teach you what quidditch is." He told her as she nodded.

"First. Each team has 7 people, 3 Chasers,2 beaters,1 keeper, and 1 seeker." He told her. "Your a chaser." He said.

He pulled out 1 ball. "There's 3 balls, this is a quaffle. This is the ball you need to pay attention on. "He told her. "Your point is to throw the ball to the other teams hoops. " He said. "The keeper defends the hoops." He said as he put the quaffle back.

"Here." He said as he gave Y/N a brown Stick. It was thick and looked like a bat from the baseball games they'd see on American Television. He let go off the ball and it flew to the top and was quickly making its way to the ground. She hit it, as Marcus caught it, putting it back in the case.

"And lastly." He opened the Hogwarts crest and let out a golden ball. "This is the golden snitch, the seeker has to catch this ball in order to end the game and get 150 points for there team. Y/N saw the ball, it was so small and lost sight of it when it went to the sky, thank god she isn't a seeker.

"Well we can do some training, And after you can leave." Y/N nodded, as they spent about an hour training.

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